For the success of ASEP2014

 – Thinking about the purpose of ASEP  Japanese日本語

Ryo Nishi

Nanzan Kokusai High School

At first, I show you my idea of the ideal ASEP 2014 schedule. And then, compared it with ASEP 2013, I would like to think what we can do to make ASEP 2014 better.


1. My idea of ideal ASEP 2014 schedule

September Contact host school, Recruit participants, Contact the tour company


Early October to Mid-October: Beginning of the exchange with host school

              - Self introduction by Facebook, Deepen exchanges by Facebook, LINE, Skype.

              - Confirm whether or not host school teacher has experienced ASEP.

                -> Have a common view about ASEP. Watch the past presentation.


Late October to November: Think about the topic and outline.

              - Each school’s student thinks about the topic by using the brainstorming and

the KJ method and posts it on Facebook.

              - Discuss a topic thinking about the following.

             1. Reason why the topic was chosen        2. Outline

             3. What do you want to tell the audience?

             ->Discussion on the Internet may stagnate because each student thinks

that someone will say something. At that time, teacher should make

student try to say his/her idea as a coordinator.

              - How to solve a conflict if two schools have different views?

                1. Possibility to compare the differences

                2. Find similarities between different views of two schools.

                3. Whether the outline each school thought is consistent.

                4. Whether the topic and outline are creative and attractive to the audience.


Late November to early December: Term exams in each school, Check the information about the host family.

Mid-December to the day before departure to Taiwan:  Make slides and script.

              - Make slides and script after considering the division of roles

                -> Confirm together that there is a possibility slides and script each school’s

                students made will change.


The first day in Kaohsiung, Taiwan: Students meet together for the first time.

             - Students deepen their friendship before the collaborative work.


The second day in Kaohsiung: The first collaborative work at host school

              - Check again the outline of the presentation and suggestion to the audience

              - Make the final version of the slides and script


The third day in Kaohsiung: The second collaborative work at host school

              - Do a rehearsal as if it were an actual performance

                ->Be more careful about speaking, gesture, eye-contact, how to stand and

move on the stage, how to use the microphone, etc.


The fourth day in Kaohsiung: ASEP Presentation

              - ASEP is not an English speech contest.

                -> Each participant should be a good presenter and good listener.


After ASEP: Review what we learned in ASEP

              - Write a report about the experience in ASEP


2. For ASEP 2014 – What I learned from the review of ASEP 2013

A. Confirm the long term schedule and short term targets of ASEP

              Be successful or not, we need to make clear the deadline for the success of the project. But I didn’t do that in 2013. So our team could not decide the topic and outline by mid-December and we were behind with our cooperative work. Students had been very busy then because of the term exam and the work for the school festival. In anticipation of that, I had to tell students clearly the deadline of each work.


B. Very important for students to deepen their friendship in order to facilitate the discussion about the presentation

              Recently most ASEP participants think that it is natural to have some conflicts in the collaboration. What can we do to solve the conflicts and make the collaborative work better? One keyword is the human relationship. At first, students introduce themselves and know each other. After talking about hobby and interests within a group on Facebook, each student begins a personal conversation with other student by using Facebook, LINE, Skype and so on.

When a conflict happens on the collaborative work, there is a possibility to solve the conflict, if students know each other very much and understand who tells that remark. In other words, we can’t agree with or criticize remarks which a stranger tells.

              Students in charge of presentation were not host students every year until 2012. In 2013, they were host students. Thanks to that, students could make a good relationship. They could talk about delicate matters. They could show some understanding of other opinions, even if it was a different idea. As a result, they could do a collaborative presentation finally.


C. Share a common understanding about the purpose of ASEP

              More than ten years have passed since ASEP began in Taiwan. In the early ASEP, it was just amazing to speak in English with a script in front of people. Now, it has become common that the mixed team with students from different countries spends several months in preparing the presentation and suggests something important to the world and the future through a collaborative presentation.

              Now, students can connect with each other in daily life by using English on Facebook, LINE and Skype. A lot of people from various countries became able to  participate in ASEP freely.

              In such a situation, following events happened. They made me feel that we needed to reconfirm the purpose of ASEP.

              <Example 1> Interesting presentations were done on Dec. 28. But there were many vacant seats when I looked around. “Where are the audience?” ASEP is not an English speech contest. If ASEP is a contest, it’s enough that there are only presenters and judges in the hall. But ASEP is not a contest. Because of that, presenters should do their presentation to the audience including judges. Also, each participant should be a good presenter and good listener. Compared with other team’s presentation, we can find out a new point of view to make our life, our world and our future better.

              <Example 2> Our team had a conflict about the outline of our presentation before meeting together in Kaohsiung. Host school’s idea was the following. Each school explains one specific Unsung Hero separately. After that, we tell what we learned from the comparison.

But my students thought the following. To explain one Unsung Hero separately by each school is not a collaborative presentation. We don’t combine two explanations into one, but we should make a real collaborative presentation through serious and lively discussion.

 To be honest, it was so late that we began such a discussion. After meeting together at host school, we did lively and frank discussion for making a collaborative presentation. But, in the late afternoon the day before ASEP presentation, host school teacher said  Taiwanese members hoped to do the presentation by using the first version of slides and script which they made before. They spent much time researching one Unsung Hero and writing a report in English. I admired their efforts. That is OK, if our purpose is to talk about the research in English fluently,

              But then, one of my students began to speak to Taiwanese members about the following with tears in her eyes. “What do we do our presentation for? Who do we do our presentation to? If you do such a thing, our presentation becomes inconsistent. We should do our presentation to the audience. If the audience can’t understand our presentation, there is no meaning in that.” After that, both school’s students had a mutual respect and could make a collaborative presentation finally.


3. What we learned in ASEP spreads around

              During the farewell party, I received a message on Facebook from host school teacher who had already left the place. I introduce one sentence in her message.

“I really admire your strong passion for ASEP.”

              Host school teacher participated in ASEP for the first time. I was hoping that she would understand, “ASEP is not an English speech contest.”, ”ASEP is a place of collaborative learning for all participants.” As a result, she and I could sympathize with each other through ASEP. I was very glad about that.

              After arriving in Japan, students try to tell their family, friends and teachers about their experiences. They look back on their experiences writing the ASEP report and transmit their thoughts to others. Not all students can participate in ASEP. But ASEP is not an educational program for selected excellent students. What participants learned in ASEP spreads around in various ways. If people, who received something important from ASEP participants, hope to make our society and world better in cooperation with others, our future will be bright.








南山国際高等学校 西 亮




9月: ホスト校の担当者と連絡を取る。校内で参加者募集。旅行会社への連絡。


10月上旬〜中旬: ホスト校との交流開始

- 自己紹介〜まずFacebookを利用。その後LINESkype等を使って交流を深める。

              - ホスト校の担当者がASEP経験者であるか確認。もし初参加であれば、経験者との


→ ASEPの目的について共通認識を持つ。過去のプレゼンテーションから学ぶ。


10月下旬〜11月: プレゼンテーションのトピック、アウトラインを考える。

              - ブレインストーミング、KJ法を利用し、それぞれの学校でトピックの案を出す。

- @なぜそのトピックを選んだのか、Aどのようなアウトラインを考えているのか、Bオーディエンスに何を伝えたいのか、この3点を意識しながら、自由に議論する。

       → ネット上では、「誰かが発言してくれるだろう。」とお互いに考えることで議論が滞


       - トピック、アウトラインに対する考え方の違いを解消(克服)できない場合どうするか。

→ @違いを比較するという方向に持っていけるかどうか検討する。






11月後半〜12月前半: それぞれの学校で定期考査、ホストファミリーに関する情報確認



12月中旬〜台湾高雄市への出発前日: スライド、スクリプト案の作成

- 役割分担をした後、アウトラインに沿ってスライド、スクリプト案を作成する。

  → 作成したスライド、スクリプトはホスト校での共同作業において変更の可能性が



高雄市滞在1日目: ホスト校の生徒と初対面、市内観光、学校訪問

- プロジェクトの協働作業に入る前に、お互いに交流を深める。


高雄市滞在2日目: ホスト校にて協同作業1回目

              - インターネット上での議論をもとに、再度、プレゼンテーションのアウトライン、オーデ


              - スライド、スクリプトの最終調整


高雄市滞在3日目: ホスト校にて協同作業2日目

              - 本番を意識したプレゼンテーションの練習

       → スピーキング、ジェスチャー、アイコンタクト、立ち位置と移動、マイクの使い方等


高雄市滞在4日目: ASEPプレゼンテーション大会本番

              - ASEPは英語スピーチコンテストではない。

→ 良き発表者であると同時に、良きオーディエンスになる。他チームのプレゼンテ



帰国後: ASEPで学んだことを振り返る。

- ASEPでの経験をレポートにして、自分を高めるだけでなく、周囲の人へ学んだこと
















 <具体例2>それに関連したことが、本番前日、ホスト校で起こった。まず先に述べると、ホスト校との協同プレゼンテーションの準備段階では、アウトラインの決定が難航した。ホスト校の案は、ホスト校と本校でそれぞれ代表的なUnsung Heroを挙げて具体的な説明した後、それらについて比較しそこから学んだことを発表するというものであった。WYMASEPに複数回参加している本校の生徒は、「それぞれが別々に発表した後に」比較するというアウトラインでは、ASEPで発表する意味が無いと考えた。2つの学校のそれぞれのグループが単位となって、その2つのグループで1つのチームが構成されているのではなく、2つの学校の様々な違いを持った複数の人間が1つのチームを構成しているという認識が必要だと本校の生徒は考えた。だからこそプレゼンテーションは別々のものを一つにくっつけるのではなく、議論に議論を重ねた末に協同してプレゼンテーションを作るべきだと考えたのである。

 正直に言うと、そのような議論を始める時期が遅かった。実際にホスト校で顔を合わせてから、「本物の協同プレゼンテーション」を行うべく、ホスト校のメンバーも本校メンバーも議論を重ねた。しかし本番前日の夕方になってホスト校の教員から、「やはりもともと私たちが準備していたスクリプトを使って発表したい。」という提案が出されたのだ。ある一人のUnsung Heroについて時間をかけて詳細に調べた彼らがそのような提案をしたのは自然なことだったかもしれない。調査内容を流暢な英語で説明するだけなら、それでよかったのかもしれない。



3. ASEPでの学びは周囲に伝搬していく〜選ばれた人間のためのエリート教育ではない


“I really admire your strong passion for ASEP.”

