What We learnt from the ASEP2013
Makoto kageto
Professor ,Nihon Fukushi University
Appreciation towards Taiwanese Friends
First of all, I really appreciate what Kaohsiung Bureau of Education gave us such a wonderful learning environment to accumulate the experience regarding sense of Internationalization and communication with English and Technology.
At the same time I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr.Chang, Principal of Kaohsiung vocational H.S of Commerce and Teachers there, who have been devoting themselves to enhance the good relationships between Taiwan and Japan over 15years.
Specific aspect of ASEP2014
After 14 years of ASEP experience, the forerunner has already developed
an effective way to deliver good Presentation in Engish that circulates
their thoughts and suggestion efficiently among Taiwanese and Japanese
audience there.
As essential factors of good presentation, we have been qualifying the followings based on six Cs: Consice, conviction, Connection, coherence, Concrete and Clearness.
Delivery: Eye Contact, handling the microphone, Prospdy and posture.
Contents: one strong messages and 3 supportive messages
As for the ASEP2013, all presenters have paid attention their posture and tried to show whole boday without a speech table that hinds the figure of the presenter.
Presenters became to express their opinion by verval and non verval ways. During 13times experience of ASEP, Teachers develop the ways of communication using voice, prosody, posture and gesture. Finally they came to realize that the most important thing is what kind of message they have left.
In my opinion one of the highlights of ASEP was the presentation conducted by Fu-Ing and Kansai University. Especially presentation by Fu-Ing Students always pay attention how there were watched by audience. In other words they had an amazing skill to use hands and posture. We could learn sometimes gestures work more than words. Movement of hands or face upword is crucial another word we’ve come to realize.
Roles of Teachers
In the process of completing presentations, students had to face conflicts caused differences of English level and cultural differences. As a coordinator of the group works, they have to know how to solve and delineate the solution among the group. We believe, this kind of learning is the essentials of Global Education and Peace Education in the world to break through barriers so as to come together for the joint presentation.
Most of Japanese teachers have been involved in the international collaborative project such as WYM and ASEP. For example, what kind of vocabulary level should be used in the scripts? Yes, easier expressions should be used in terms of the audience listening lever rather than using difficult words that shows presenters’ zeal and intelligence.
They really want to have shared these experiences with the Taiwanese teachers at the points of delivery and the way of how to leave their messages in the heart of audience.
Teachers should learn and know how to lead the students:
To overcome conflicts by using the theoretical background, such as the dual concern model.
To make an effective presentation learning from examples as suggested by the forerunners,
To find a role model during the event that helps them in the future.
To get a sense of accomplishment from its holding and self-affirmation
After the Evet
It is just appropriate time for teachers to find the masteries of good presentation while reviewing video clips of ASEP2013. I hope both Taiwanese and Japanese teachers find the good role model in terms script level , pitch, speed, volume of voice ,posture and gestures.
The more we host Annual events, the more we could acquire the role model.
Global Education
When considering 21st century skills, nourishing the students in terms of the 4 skills: ways of thinking, ways of collaboration, utilization of technology and living in the world responsibly, they come to know about global education. They come to realize that they can think globally and act locally as leaners who shouldereducation as a means to bridge the gap between countries and achieve mutual understanding so as to solve global issues.
Teachers’ and Professors’ roles.
We have been carring out ASEP or WYM to show a role model imbued with the constructivism theory as suggested by Vygotsky or John Dewey.
We hope they will understand the event as follows.
1 The event was not merely an event, it’s based on constructivism.
2 Teachers should learn and know how to lead the students:
To overcome conflicts by using the theoretical background, such as the dual concern model.
To make an effective presentation learning from examples as suggested by the forerunners,
To find a role model during the event that helps them in the future.
To get a sense of accomplishment from its holding and self-affirmation