What I learned and felt by participating ASEP


Nanzan-Kokusai High School

I had participated “World Youth Meeting”, which was in last summer, for my first time. So this ASEP was my second time to do a presentation in English. I felt another type of nervousness and excitement because this time I could visit Taiwan and stay at my host family’s house. I enjoyed not only since I arrived at Taiwan, but also when we were preparing for the presentation before going there.Reviewing our last time presentation, I think we did a good job as a team by discussing how we could make the presentation much better and how to make the audience attracted.

   First, there were some points we emphasized while preparing. It is that having some disagreement of each other’s opinion is not a problem and we should not climb down to express your own thinking. Actually, we also had this case. Japanese member and Taiwanese member had some different idea but we combined those by considering together and respecting each other’s idea. I think it is not an easy thing for people who speak different languages and have different cultures to make one production together, but even though, it is one of my most glad things that we could get friendly by communicating using facebook.

   After we arrived at Taiwan, I had so much fun to go sightseeing to Taipei, eating some delicious foods, and getting friendly with many Taiwanese people. First time I visited Shu-te High School, I was a little bit nervous but when our team mate welcomed us friendly, I felt I got a very nice company. Like these things, I thought it connects to a good presentation.

   Also, while we were practicing, we watched out few points, such as making cadence of our voice, making simple power point, and having some questions for he audiences.

   The day of ASEP. Many students from Asia did a presentation with the theme of “Competition and Cooperation”. I thought it is interesting to hear many different topics and many ways of presenting. Unfortunately, we couldn’t win the platinum prize but I am pleasure we could “do your best for the goal” which was also our main topic. But, the fact that we couldn’t make enough time to practice is only a thing which makes me feel reluctant.

   My host family welcomed me very kindly and let me go to karaoke and some nice food store and I had very nice time spending with them. I appreciate to all of the people who were concerned to ASEP. I will be keep in touch with them by facebook and LINE. If there are other chances like this, I would love to participate again.


南山国際高等学校 高1

私は昨夏、日本福祉大学で行われた“World Youth Meeting”に初めて参加しました。よって、今回のASEPでの英語でのプレゼンテーションは私にとって2回目の体験になりました。今回は台湾にホームステイするということで、前回とはまた違う緊張感とワクワク感を味わうことができましたし、行ってからはもちろんのこと、行く前の準備もとても楽しかったです。




そして本番当日。アジア各国から生徒が集まり“Competition and Cooperation”のテーマで発表しましたが、それぞれ内容や発表の仕方が違って面白いと思いました。プラチナ賞はとれませんでしたが、私たちのプレゼンテーションのメイントピックでもある「大切なことは目標に向かって頑張ること」ができたので、私は十分満足です。ただ、準備に時間がかかりすぎてしまい、練習にあまり時間をとれなかったことが唯一の心残りです。しかしそれでも切磋琢磨できたことは良かったと思います。
