Unforgettable memories in Kaohsiung , ASEP2009
Hikaru Kwaguchi
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Nihon fukushi University: the faculty of International Welfare and Development@@@@
Thank you very much. If m Hikaru Kawaguchi. Ifm a
second year student at NFU.
I was happy I could participate in ASEP 2009 and meet everyone.@It was a very meaningful experience for me. I learned a lot of important things in the presentation. First, there were some conflicts caused by differences of opinions between NFU students and ISU students. As soon as we met them we had to make the presentation together. We didnft have enough time to understand each other. But we had to start to make the presentation in this situation. We learned that it is difficult to gather each other opinions for a presentation in such a situation.
We overcame the conflicts through discussions and by conveying our opinions clearly. Anyway, we talked about the presentation with them. As we discussed each otherfs opinions, the presentation got better. The different points of view of NFU and ISU students are very interesting! It was fun! Their ideas were things I hadnft thought about. Having different ideas is not bad. Because of this there was more possibility for a successful presentation. So, one of the most important things is to discuss and come to understand different ways of thinking.
One of the most memorable things was Taiwanese food
gsticky tofuh. There were some very strange smells. I was surprised at first.
However I could eat them and I want to eat them again. Also, the masks people
wore was another memorable thing. Japanese masks are very simple but Taiwanese
ones are very colorful and cute. So I wanted to buy one. Then, my ISU friends
gave me one.
Regarding the ASEP, I learned that it is necessary to discuss things to come to understand different opinions. And different opinions are very important. Because we become better to know about them. Ifm very glad I could be involved in this event because it has made me more mature.
Thank you very much.