ASEP 2013




This was my second time to participate ASEP. Because I had also participated WYM, which is held in summer every year in Japan, twice, this ASEP was my forth time to do a presentation in front of many people. I appreciate to have such great opportunity where we can be friends with many students from different countries and learn certain skills such as communicating, presenting, and doing discussion.

 This time, I did a presentation with students from Shu-Te Home-Economics and Commercial High School, with the theme, “We all can be unsung heroes!” We did hard works, desiring to make it succeed by learning from last times experience. Though, it was not an easy thing to do a meeting using skype while all the members were busy in other things and I sometimes felt worried.

 After we arrived at Taiwan, we saw sights in Taipei, went to 2.28incident museum and studied the history of Taiwan. We also visited tea shop and watched the performance of the soldiers in beautiful buildings. I liked the foods there too.

From the next day, we moved to the city called Kaosiung and met our team member. They welcomed us so nicely and we went to many places, such as temples and art displays. My host family also welcomed me very kindly and they gave me many presents and delicious foods. I felt that Taiwanese people has warm heart.

 Fun time passed quickly, we began to get on with preparation of presentation.  We had to check final confirmation of the outline which was still ambiguous and make the power points. But we could make it almost finished on the evening of the second day thanks to everyone’s effort. When we were about to finish, Disagreement occurred in Japan and Taiwan side and we struggled a bit. Knowing that I should respect the opinions of the others, we need to tell our opinions and make others understand as well.

I remember I got hot to persuade. Even if there is any difficulty, what we have to consider in the first place, is that you must explain clearly to the audience.

 It was good to continue the discussion for a while, because the problem got solved at last. I thought that some compromises are necessary in each other. Because all the member had the same feelings that we want to make a great presentation, even how much we came up to the wall, I could feel that it would be a meaningful thing to discuss.

 The day had come. I was a little bit nervous but I told to myself that I will do my best what I can do now. In the past, I was just memorizing the lines so whenever I forgot it, I got in to a panic. But this time I had confidence because I kept in mind to think for the audience. Even I am still immature, I was happy to feel my developing.

 Every time I finish presenting, I feel big satisfaction. This is because there were many staffs and teachers who supported us behind. I think they are unsung heroes. I had so much fun being friends with other schools student and meeting friends who was long time no see. I also enjoyed watching many performances and eating yummy foods.

 I was so sad to leave Taiwan, but I believe we all can meet each other again someday. I made many great memories and also brought back tons of souvenirs. It was only six days but the friendship we made became big and we still keeping in touch by using face book and LINE. Not only what I learned by participating this ASEP, but also I want to save our friendship as a precious thing in my life.


私にとってのASEP 2013

南山国際高等学校 2年 


私は、去年に引き続き今年も”ASEP”に参加させていただきました。毎年夏に日本で行われている、”World Youth Meeting”にもこれまで二回参加したので、大会場で英語でのプレゼンテーションをするのは四回目となりました。アジア中の学生が集まり、他国の人との交流を深めながら、プレゼンテーション力、コミュニケーション力、そしてディスカッション力を身につけることができる素晴らしい機会を与えていただいたことに感謝しています。

今回は、南山国際の三人と台湾の樹徳高校の四人で”We are all Unsung Heroes!”というタイトルで発表をしました。これまでの経験から学んだことを活かし、今回の成功に繋げようという思いで、発表当日までの準備や練習に取り組みました。ですが、時間が短い中で全員が集まり、スカイプを使って相手校とミーティングをするのは簡単なことではなく、焦りを感じたこともありました。日本出発前までは「縁の下の力持ち」ということわざから連想する言葉やフレーズをいくつか挙げたり、アウトラインを考えたりしました。ですが、結局インターネットだけの繋がりでは日本側と台湾側での意見がなかなかまとまらず、結論が出たのは出発する前日でした。







 毎度、発表を終えた時には喜びと達成感を感じますが、これも、このプロジェクトを陰で支えてくださった先生方やスタッフの皆さんのおかげです。今回のテーマである”Unsung Heroes”にまさに当てはまるのではないでしょうか。各国のパフォーマンスを見、おいしい料理をいただき、懐かしい友人とも再開することができ、本当に充実した一日となりました。
