森岡 千廣外11-154
しかし、不得手だと自覚していた分迷いもあった。その時に背中を押してくれたのが先輩である。昨年の先輩の経験、ホームステイ先の家族や友達との思い出話を聞き、自分もそんな経験がしたいと思った。迷ううちにその気持ちが不安に勝るようになり、参加を決意した。最後の一歩を踏み出させてくれた先輩には本当に感謝している。 (420)
1. Reasons to participate
I have mainly three reasons to participate
ASEP 2013: to have courage, to improve my presentation skills, and my seniors’
First of all, I wanted to have more
courage. It is also my personal
goal for the whole this seminar. Since
I know my weak point is this luck of courage, I thought participating ASEP 2013
is the best way to overcome my weakness because we have to give a presentations
in English, in front of huge public, in different country. Since this is the last thing for me,
such a shy person, to do such kind of things, I was sure I can be more
confident after finishing it. And I
thought being more confident is the only way to improve my presentation
However, I could not decide whether I
should go or not for long because I was sure I will bother my team
members. Then, some of my seniors
gave a kick in my back. They shared
their memories with friends and host families in Taiwan. Listening to their stories, I felt like
going to Taiwan. Therefore, I am
really thankful to them for making me decide to join.
よって、日本・台湾間においても、日本人同士での出席者・欠席者間においても、中間的な繋ぎの役割を担っていたと自負している。 (400)
2. What I
contributed for the team
No matter how its team members are
excellent, the team would fail if there are rifts between their
relationships. I kept this in my
mind and tried to reduce the friction in our team.
For example, since our Japanese group
tended to change things by ourselves without Taiwanese group’ agreements, I
managed to keep contact with Taiwanese group and shared how the discussion is
going on in detail not to make them feel bad, or made documents which explains
our opinions well to be understood without any misunderstanding. Also, I managed to make power point
slides or documents and submit them in time with the sense of responsibility. Furthermore, since we seldom could
gather all the Japanese members, I kept writing detailed and accurate
conference minutes as fast as possible so the absentees could follow up without
feeling isolated.
Therefore, I could say I was the connection
between Japanese and Taiwanese, and also between attendees and absentees to the
恐らくメンバー全員が論ずることと思うが、題目(”Unsung Hero”)の曖昧さとpersonal experienceを入れなければならないという条件にまさしく翻弄されたと言えるだろう。何時間もかけて考えた結論が、その条件にそぐわず一瞬のうちに崩れ去ってしまったことも何度もある。具体的すぎては面白味がない。概念的すぎては伝わらない。指南と身の上話のちょうど中間を狙い、且つ観客を巻き込むようなプレゼンテーション。目指すものは定まっていても、内容がなかなか詰められず議論が行き詰り続けていた。
特にConclusionは事前準備の段階でどうしても形にできず、現地に到着してから台湾のメンバー達に助けてもらう形になってしまった。今思えば、たまたま台湾のメンバーが英語堪能で理解力も抜群であったから良かったものの、パートナーの運が悪ければ当日までにプレゼンテーションの内容が定まらないなどという悲惨な結末に終わってしまっていた可能性もある。危ない吊橋だったと思う。 (394)
3. The hardest
thing for the presentation
Perhaps most of our members would mention
that we had troubles because of the ambiguity of the title: “Unsung Hero” and
the condition that we had to use our “personal experiences” in the speech. Lots of ideas we spent long time failed
because of those problems. If it is
too personal, the speech would be boring.
If it is too ideational, the speech would be difficult to be understood. It was really difficult to target the
middle. Also we had to grab the
audience’s attention. We struggled
with those dilemmas for the contents all the time we had meeting.
Especially, we could not decide the
conclusion until we actually go to Taiwan.
Looking back, we were just lucky to have brilliant partners in
Taiwan. Otherwise it was horrible
way to take too much time to decide conclusion.
正直に言うと、両国ともメンバーが非常に優秀だったため、実際的な後悔は無いに等しい。ただ、もしもこのメンバーじゃなかったらと仮定するならば、「失敗」に値すべき事柄は、前述の通り、現地の議論に至るまで内容が定まらなかったことだろう。これに関しては、各々のアイデアに対する掘り下げが甘かったことの他に、方向性が変わったのに分担だけそのまま議論を進めてしまったことが原因として挙げられる。例えば、一度軸が決まりかけた時にBodyは台湾側と決めたのだが、さすればBodyにおいては台湾側の意見を尊重すべきという理由からBodyの内容を動かせなくなり、結果としてConclusionに柔軟な変更余地が残されていない状態になってしまったのだ。幸い、現地で一緒に議論をする中で台湾側が臨機応変にBodyの内容を変更してくれたから事なきを得たが、事前準備の段階で、軸を変える以上、分担も一旦取り消すべきだったのだろう。そこは反省点として挙げられる。 (394)
4. What I regret
of whole preparation
To be honest, since all the members were
really competent, I do not really regret anything. However, when I force myself to regret,
as above, I could say I regret that that contents were not full-organized until
we go to Taiwan. We should have had
a deeper discussion in advance.
Also, we should not have kept role-sharing for previous idea despite the
change of main concept. For
instance, once we decided the topic, we shared the role: Introduction and
conclusion are for Japanese, and Bodies are for Taiwanese. However, the problem is, we kept this
role-sharing after we changed the topic.
Because of that, deciding conclusion, we felt we had to keep ideas for
Bodies because it is for Taiwanese.
Therefore, we could not find good solutions to change the conclusion
flexibly. Fortunately, Taiwanese
students kindly changed their Body parts for the conclusion when we were all in
Taiwan so we did not have any troubles, we should not have kept the
role-sharing anyway. This is the one
I regret.
また、台湾のメンバー達ならびにホストファミリーの厚遇のほどには驚かされてばかりだった。本当に今回はパートナー校に恵まれていたからだとは思うが、「もてなす」という言葉の真髄を見た気がした。このように、能力的な面でも内面的にも、非常に学びに溢れた一か月だった。この経験をさせてくださった全ての方々に感謝したい。 (404)
5. What I
learned throughout this experience
Firstly, I learned the importance of persuasiveness. To give some interesting ideas, we need
both how the idea is well-thought and how to make people feel interested. I was just inspired by my team members
every day.
In addition, I learned lots of presentation
skills, for example, pausing, emphasizing, movements, and so on. It was my first time to care about them
this much, so it was really blessing to me. Also, team members taught me how to make
speech well without any coziness and let me grow up so much. It was also great experience for me.
Moreover, the hospitalities of friends
and host families in Taiwan were extremely amazing. I was just surprised and impressed by
their kind treatments.
Therefore, this experience was truly
fruitful for me. I am thankful to
all people who let me have this great experience.
ASEP2013 個人総括
阿部 わか菜 外11-4
I joined ASEP to accomplish three purposes: 1) to
improve my presentation skill, 2) to improve my English skill in discussion and
3) to have an experience of discussion with people who have different cultural
backgrounds. I thought this would
be a meaningful opportunity to improve myself because I’m not good at insisting
on my own opinion in public and giving a presentation. Also, I considered that discussing and
preparing a presentation with students who are not native English speakers would
be a valuable experience for me.
For the reasons mentioned above, I decided to take part in ASEP.
I couldn’t give accurate opinions because of my lack
of skill, but I always tried to speak out my own opinion and listen to
others. I tried to express what I had
doubts about logic or what I came up with in my mind because I’m relatively bad
at giving unpredictable ideas compared to others. Also, I thought others’ opinions are
really valuable, so I listened to them carefully and saw those opinions from
the objective point of view.
Considering from sidelines could make us avoid self-centered ideas.
First of all, I felt my lack of English ability. Especially, when we made an idea between
Japanese and suggest it to Taiwanese, I always depended on other Japanese
members because I did not have enough confidence to provide it correctly. Moreover, I couldn’t say what I thought
promptly in discussion. Personally
I was worried about negotiation. I
didn’t know how we pushed our opinion because of cultural difference. We were not enemy but team, so I really
concerned Taiwanese team felt badly.
However, finally we could mix our both opinions and I think most
important thing is to respect each other.
Even though I joined ASEP to improve my
presentation skill, I have lots of reflection points. At first, I gave my part in the
presentation all in the same key. I
couldn’t perform the presentation in an appealing tone because I just remembered
my part and just said that. I
should speak with gesture and practice hard until it would be my own
words. In addition, I didn’t
communicate with Taiwanese students actively. I think they tried to communicate with
us actively, so next time I want to communicate with students from Taiwan more
I learned a lot from this experience. Especially, I realized it is important
to insist on my opinion in discussion.
I thought that I should speak what I think clearly, and it made me have
a responsibility. In addition, it
leaded me to join discussion actively.
Also, it can be mentioned that confirming what we decided several times
makes good presentation. When we
were discussing, sometimes we forgot what we decided and why we avoid an idea
and choose another one. I want to
confirm and write down some important points next WYM.
purpose of participating in ASEP 2013
purpose of participation was to enhance my ability of conveying my ideas to
others, which was my aim in seminar activities. As we have a lot of
opportunities to discuss the topic given to all participants in ASEP, my aim
was to make my opinion clear so that other people could easily understand me.
Moreover, I wanted to improve the
patterns of my expression in English through the discussion with
students in Taiwan. Also, this year was going to be my third time to join this
kind of presentation competitions, therefore, I was eager to make the most of
what I learned from ASEP2012 and WYM2013 for making the presentation. These
findings would probably be effective during the process of preparation, such as
when thinking about how to build a relationship between Taiwanese students and
us, and how to deliver our opinion to the audience.
most challenging situation
was the most difficult for me to share everyone’s thoughts. At first, about
communication with Taiwanese students, the difference in English skills and
experiences caused this problem. Thus, even when we had discussion with
altogether, Japanese students were talking mostly, as a result, I could not
listen to any Taiwanese students’ opinions except the opinion from only one of
them. When we tried to choose easy worlds and expression, and to speak slowly,
they sometimes could understand what we wanted to tell them. However, they
discussed mostly in Chinese. After discussing only between them, just one of
them told us their opinion in English, which was the summary of their opinions.
Because of this, I could not be satisfied with the discussion. In addition to
the gap in English abilities, it might be the first time for Taiwanese students
to cooperate with people from other countries. This led also the difference in
the amount of experiences between them and us, and it became another cause of
the difficulty in cooperation.
I was facing difficulties in sharing our opinions even with Japanese students.
Although we all were sure of understanding our thoughts, after we were
separated into some groups and were preparing for our own parts, we realized
that there was a gap in comprehending what we were thinking between us. To fix
this gap, we needed to dig deeper into our thoughts, which was quite a hard
work for us.
As I
mentioned above, the difficult things were how we could manage to the
differences between Taiwanese students and us, and how we, Japanese students,
could reach a consensus.
contribution to my team
attempted to listen to the opinions of Taiwanese students because I was sitting
very close to them and I could see their expression and reaction well. The
reason of my action here was that Japanese students seemed to occupy most of
the discussion during both Skype meeting and meetings in Taiwan. I felt that
this situation was not applied to the objective of ASEP, which was an
international cooperation. To change this situation, when we told our opinion
to them, I tried to pay close attention to Taiwanese students, especially their
expression on their faces. And then, I was considering whether they could
understand us. Although an expression on faces can tell us only a few things, I
was focusing on non-verbal communication, as we had problems in verbal
communication. When they showed their confusion, I tried to make sure how they
felt by asking them open questions. The aim for this was to receive their exact
I was asking questions when I felt something weird with other members’
opinions, and I indicated my suggestion or other ways when I came up with new
ideas. On that moment, as I mentioned in the first paragraph, my aim was to
deliver with clear expressions in order to make others understood. I hope that
my effort could make our team’s opinion deeper and sophisticated.
reflection on the event
failed to achieve my own preparation in Japan. Without creating my own idea
towards the topic, I started a discussion with my team members in Taiwan.
Because of this, I did not give any valuable opinions, and felt that my opinion
was not deep enough. We had enough opportunities to discuss the topic;
therefore, my low motivation to commit myself to preparation probably caused
this situation. I should have had time for expanding my ideas by doing
brainstorming, and digging a bit deeper into my thought.
team failed to keep our motivation. Although we were facing a tough time
schedule, it was more important to increase our motivation. If we could make
our team more productive, we would be able to enjoy our activities during
preparation for the presentation. Less sleep made us too serious, and as a
result, we could not pay attention to the atmosphere of our team. As ASEP gave
us the opportunity to cooperate with people, I regretted that we could not
spend preparation time with enough collaboration. I felt that it was necessary
to understand the advantages of the team members so that we could incase the
values of the cooperation.
I have learnt from this experience
year I was facing more conflicts compared to other two participations in
presentation competitions. In this situation, I learned one important thing
when collaborating with the people from different countries. It is
“cooperation” with understanding of differences. In this time, the differences
in the ability of our shared language, English, should be accepted. We should
think about the best way to cooperate with the partners, not use the gap in
English skills for an excuse for giving up cooperating. We can combine what we
can do and what they can do, and one new thing will be created. The process of
“cooperation” can make it happened, and we can say that this should be the most
significant factor of “cooperation.”
I hope that efforts made by all people in the teams can influence on their goal
when they attempt to do something with the teams. To accomplish this, I will
try to grasp the thing I can do for the team. Also, when there are some chances
to communicate with people, I will focus on finding others’ strength and
the second experience in ASEP, I gained a new finding from the different
aspect. If there are some opportunities to collaborate with the teams, I
believe that what I learned from this experience can lead me to build a good
relationship with team members.
ASEP2013 個人総括
名賀 愛
purpose of participating in ASEP 2013
participated in this ASEP for two reasons. Firstly, I wanted to overcome my
weak points which I got through ASEP2012 and WYM2013. Thorough the two events,
I realized that I’m not good at stating my ideas in discussion and at
presentation. Also I regret that I could not play a good roll for my team in
the events. So I wanted to try to challenge for them. Secondly, I wanted to
improve my English skills and intercultural communication skill as a member of
International-Cooperation Seminar.
most challenging situation
the presentation was the hardest thing for me. It was difficult for us to use
our own experiences to the presentation because Japanese and Taiwanese had
different experiences. To find the common points between our experiences and
make a structure, we had Skype meetings before going to Taiwan and talked about
it. However there were many points to change after start discussion in Taiwan.
So it took long time for us to make a presentation.
contribution to my team
the preparation, I focused on the importance of cooperating with each of
students from Taiwan and Japan. So I tried to convey our ideas to Taiwanese
students clearly and listen to their opinions carefully. When I felt some gaps
of recognition between us, I tried to explain our ideas more and questioned
them about what they are thinking for our mutual understanding. I also tried to
communicate with Taiwanese students as much as possible to break the ice
between Japanese and Taiwanese students even at the free time. I believed that
the atmosphere of the team is important to make presentation and cooperate with
My reflection on the event
regret that I did not care about the English skill gap between Japanese and
Taiwanese members very much. Japanese members have studied English skills for
more than 3 years in the university, but Taiwanese members are freshman. So
sometimes they could not understand what we meant in English. Thus we should
have cared about this gap and spoken English more simply or slowly. I also
regret about our attitude as participant of ASEP. Honestly, I did not concentrate
on listening to the presentation from other groups. I think this attitude was
really rude and
I have learnt from this experience
time, I joined this program with having own aims and tried to achieve them.
However I felt there are still many things I cannot do when it comes to
cooperating with others. For example, I’m not good at taking leadership or
getting variety of ideas from teammates in one shape. Although I have those
weaknesses, I realized that I can improve my weak points by watching my team
mates. So I will always have this attitude to learn new things from others.
participated in such events three times as seminar activity. For me, the
meaning of the participating is that we can get not only the chance to learn
the academic skills but also to realize the importance of connection with
others by showing consideration or contribution to them. Thanks to the people
who organizing those events, students can get great experiences. So I would
like to appreciate them as unsung heroes for us.
ASEP 2013 個人総括
My Review in
ASEP 2013
My purpose of participating in ASEP 2013
There were two
main purposes for this ASEP except for the improvement of presentation skills. That
is to improve my reflection points of last ASEP and WYM. So far, we always
tried to take the initiative in everything to make a smooth discussion.
However, this time, we wanted to make a well-corroborated product which
includes both colours. Moreover, we also would like to get rid
of any single Japanese even in a small conversation between Japanese members.
This is because we all regretted we had often used our own language to save
time and avoid language confliction. Thus, my motivation for this participation
is to overcome these two regrets.
The most challenging situation
We had a hard
time to integrate our opinions into the structure of presentation; however, the
most difficult thing was simply to communicate with Taiwanese member in
English. Actually, almost all Taiwanese students did not have enough English
level to join the discussion altogether and one of them had to play a role just
like an interpreter. At this point, it was extremely challenging to get
everyone involved in the meeting. Thus, we just divided members into small
groups to solve this problem. Thanks to this attempt, that situation was
improved up to some extent, but still we needed to rephrase many English
expressions and use some visual materials. Therefore, the hardest thing for me
was to deal with many language problems in such a limited time.
My contribution to my team
There are two
things which I did for my team. First thing is to share information for all
Japanese members at preparation stage in Japan. This time, it was hard to get
all Japanese members gathered in the meetings, so I decided to facilitate the
way of sharing all the process of discussion. I hope this made our preparation
smooth and effective. Second thing is to be aware of the difference of
understanding between Japanese and Taiwanese. I always tried to remove those
misunderstandings by repeating explanation until Taiwanese students got the
ideas. These things were not so significant, but they might be necessary to complete
our satisfactory presentation. As we have seen, these two points were my roles
in the team.
My reflection on the event
The regret at
the preparation stage was the delay of team arrangement. This problem was not
under our control, but it took too much time to fix team members. Because of
the delay, it was hard to have a meeting with all members and sometimes to make
a gap between members was tough. Thus I do not want my juniors to spare time to
deal with this sort of situation. Next regret which relates to the presentation
was the lack of practice. This time, we did not have enough time to practice
well due to unexpected accidents. In the last two events, we repeated
practicing for many times while spending enough time, however, we just did a
few times rehearsal in a few hours this time. In addition, we should have made
more time to give advice to Taiwanese students. So, these two things were my
regrets as for ASEP 2013.
What I have learned from this experience
I have gained
two things from this ASEP. That is the realization of the difficulties and
pleasure of making one product by working well with all team members. As I
mentioned for my purpose, we did not focus on efficiency’ but on
‘corroboration’ this time. However, this was the team which we had the biggest
language barrier. Also, we needed to think how to get Taiwanese members
involved in our team because we had more experiences compared to them.
Therefore, I think we all Japanese students were aware of their roles and we each
had a leadership in our team. From this point, I believe that we recognized the
worth challenging to complete one product with all team members.
ASEP 2013個人総括
My Review in
ASEP 2013
1. 参加した目的
My purpose of participating in ASEP 2013
The purposes of
participating in ASEP2013 were acquiring an ability of power point usage and
improving my speech skill, intercultural exchanges and sightseeing. At first, when making a presentation, I
focused on Audience Attraction and Fluency in Speech which I found out as my
weakness when I attended WYM in August 2013. Secondly, I wanted to find
cultural differences among Japan, Taiwan and China. In addition to this, I
tried to learn how to solve a discrepancy in our ideas. Finally, I hoped to
cultivate friendship with Taiwanese students as well as Yoshida Seminar’s
2. 最も苦労したこと
The most challenging situation
The hardest
thing during ASEP2013 was making the presentation. At first, this year’s theme
was UNSUNG HERO and our team’s
concept was something to do with Education. However, we were not able to decide
who was an unsung hero and how we were going to deliver the presentation until
we gathered in Ishou University. In addition to this,
the first day of our discussion we mixed up our slides of the presentation and
our scripts (every member made their own slides and scripts by oneself in
advance). It was also a hard time because some parts were deviated from our
concept of the presentation. It took us a long time to rectify them. Therefore,
we were barely able to share time to review the presentation.
3. チームのために工夫したこと
My contribution to my team
My contribution
to my team is pre-completing the presentation in a short time. What I did were
integration and deletion. Since we had not made our presentation at all before
going to Kaoshung, I mixed up each slide and avoided
contradictions. Especially, we did not touch the Introduction and Conclusion
and I found it hard to decide how we should connect them. With a help from my
mates we could wrap up as soon as possible. Next, to end the presentation
within seven minutes, I checked everyone’s script and deleted redundant. We rewrote
some scripts when they were out of the concept of the presentation. As the
result, we could complete the presentation by second day morning and have time
for practice.
4. 失敗したなと感じること
My reflection on the event
What I felt through
ASEP2013 was we could not spare time to review our presentation. This is
because we did not have enough discussion before going to Taiwan and we were in
hurry completing the presentation in the two days at Kaoshung.
This time, Kansai University students mostly counted on the Ishou
University professor and his students since they were the host. If we had more
time to overview our contents and dig it up, the presentation could have been
more interesting. Furthermore, we did a Skype-Teaching for elementary students.
It was a good chance for me and I was impressed with their English skills.
However, it was irrelevant to our part of the presentation. We should have
thought importance of time.
5. この経験から得たこと
What I have learned from this experience
What I learnt
from ASEP2013 was in a situation when something is not going well (in my
situation when we took long time to make a presentation) and facing a
time-limit someone, the person is not necessarily to be an intelligent one,
needs to lead a team and decide a rough content and a structure. Then, start a
deep discussion of the presentation with all members. To do so, you can share
more time in improving sentences and in practicing. Speaking about people, I
experienced high hospitality of Taiwanese. Ishou
University students have always taken care of Kansai university students. They
bought food for us and took us sightseeing; night markets, Karaoke and so on.
To my surprise, they did not sleep when we stay up nights. Thanks to them, we were not involved in
any trouble and we could keep laughing.
My Review in ASEP 2013
1. 参加した目的
Purpose of Participating in ASEP 2013
are two main reasons why I decided to participate in ASEP in 2013. At first, it
is because I did not participate in ASEP last year, 2012. I was inspired from
seminar members what they did in last ASEP, so I was interested in
participating in ASEP and I wanted to try to make presentation together with
students from I-Shou University. Secondly, I did not
want to overcome weakness for speaking in front of many people but also
2. 最も苦労した事
The most challenging situation
hardest thing was although we planned to discuss and exchange of opinions on
Skype before we go to Taiwan, we failed to exchange of ideas towards “unsung
hero”. We could not enough contact with I-Shou
university students until we met them in Taiwan. Therefore, we needed to mix
our ideas up three days before the competition. We tried to Skype or contact
with them earlier because that is what I have learnt from the experience of WYM,
“The sooner, the better”. However I reflected upon that, I could not use it.
And this made me to annoyed again as I was last time in WYM.
3. チームの為に工夫したこと
contribution to my team
are two things that I think I contributed to team. At First, I organized our
thoughts by using white board so that it was easy to organize and understand
our ideas. Also, we could even find the parts that we needed to discuss more or
rethink. Since I-Shou university students have strong
ideas about unsung hero, it was difficult us to persuade and tell them our
ideas. However, the white board helped us. It could say it was kind of our
“unsung hero”. Secondly, some of the I-Shou
university students were not good at English. Thus, in order to make our
presentation better and persuasive, I read all of the scripts which was written
by I-Shou university students and cut some
unnecessary words. Even I cut or asked them to remake the power points. All I
did for team was for making our presentation better and understandable.
4. 失敗したなと感じること
My reflection on the event
It is
all about Language that we used during discussion. Because some of the I-Shou university students talked only in Chinese with I-Shou university students, I and we also talked and
discussed in Japanese while they were talking. During this time, if they were
talking about the presentation, there was no way that we understood. When they
told the ideas to us, we sometimes could not understand why they think so
because we did not know the process that they discussed with them in Chinese.
Therefore, we misunderstood several times and found it difficult to understand.
I regret we should have talked in English so that we could understand each other
and each other’s opinions more.
5. この経験から得たこと
What I have learned from this experience
ASEP2013, I believe that I improved the skill that giving a presentation and be
confidence in front of many people. This is the skill what I wanted to improve
the most. And there is more. I was truly impressed by Taiwan and Taiwanese,
especially, the hospitality by Taiwanese. This makes me not only being
impressed but also I should learn from them. Some of the Taiwanese attended our
ASEP tour even when we were going out for dinner and tried to solve the
problem. Thanks to them, we could spend time for the presentation without
stress. By participating in ASEP 2013 made me realize not only improving
English skills, but also how much we should appreciate others.
have three reasons of joining in ASEP 2013. Firstly, I’m really interested in
the process of making well-organized project as team work. To reach perfection,
we have to keep reflecting each idea, summarizing it, discussing it, and
negotiating through meeting. And I hoped I could deal with it somehow while I’m
really working on ASEP. Also I wanted to know how I can get to the group
meeting, and learn something from other members who have each role on team
project. The second one is to realize how Japanese university students and
Taiwanese students differently work on this project. I’ve been thinking that it
would better if I can improve myself by seeing their behavior and ideas.
Finally, I believed to have more confidence if I attend this presentation
contest that requires participants to speak in English in front of audience.
tried to attend each meeting because I don’t want to miss the direction of
conversation, and want to bring more quality ideas to team anytime. And also I’d
been keeping doing this with sharing others about what we talked. I believe
this is very important for me and others, too. Giving some ideas is also my contribution
to our team. I focused on creating something new ideas from a little bit
different perspective. Additionally, I was taking care of the environment of
discussion. It means, I tried to make people say anything as they like without
hesitating by expressing like I’m listening to you carefully, or understanding
you well. I believed this behave can give positive impression to others, and
improve our discussion level.
To have coherency of presentation was the
most difficult thing. We spent much time doing this, and it finally decided on
the one day before ASEP. Basically, this must be caused of the misunderstanding
of “what theme is about”, but also I feel difficult when I bring up my ideas
with talking to others persuasively. Also, we talked about kind of same things
many times because we often changed the concept of our presentation. Before we
go to Taiwan, we talked on Skype, and it was little difficult to communicate smoothly.
For me, it’s crucial to get the skill of organizing what I want to say quickly.
If I can do that, I would be good at telling something in English.
the first step, if we talked about what is our presentation style, not about
the contents, it would be better. This is because I found out that we had been
thinking the contents were more important, but Taiwanese students didn’t think
so. Also there were some misconceptions, so sometimes we wasted time for
practicing presentation. Personally speaking, I wanted to give more creative
ideas and make discussion more active when we got stuck. However if I tried to
do this suddenly, it’s impossible. I have to keep practicing in daily life.
found it difficult to make the project more completely from zero point start as
team work. But also, I enjoyed it very much because I found out each has unique
ideas and there were new viewpoints for me. From reflecting this time, I was
motivated to challenge a new role on next time. Most of all, it was really
exciting to work on this project with Taiwanese students. They know how to
express themselves well in front of audience, so I learned the way how I can be
more attractive on the stage from them. In addition, it was a nice opportunity
to get to know each other through exchanging our opinions and discussing. In
this time, I’m really satisfied with understanding how great the team work