
関西大学 大岡靖典


















今回のASEPでは高雄市天主教明誠中學(St. Paul’s High School)と共にプレゼンテーションを行った。学校は最寄りの地下鉄駅から少し歩いた所にあり、大通りに面した場所にあった。1日目に校内を案内してもらい学内の様々な場所を見学させて頂いたが、実弾を装填した銃を保管している部屋を見学した時に日本の高校との違いをはっきりと感じ取ることができた。生徒がそこに保管されている銃を使用し、実弾で射撃訓練を行うとの事だった。国家の有事を常に想定し、高校生の段階からそういった教育を行なっているという事実を実際に目にし、中華人民共和国と中華民国の2つの政府の緊張した関係を改めて考えさせられる機会となった。校内を見学などで歩いていると、日本人でしかも大学生の我々は珍しいらしく、英語や日本語で積極的に話しかけてきてコミュニケーションを図ろうとする学生が数多くいた。ただ、彼らの多くは英語に自信がないと口にしており、英語でコミュニケーションを取ることに若干の恥ずかしさを感じているようであった。年齢が6歳ほど離れていることもあり、最初は彼らとの共通の話題を見つけるのに少し苦労した。幸いな事に音楽やマンガをきっかけとすることでうまく話を進めることができた。特に日本のマンガは想像している以上に浸透しているようで、彼らからマンガの名前や登場するキャラクターに関する話題を持ちかけられた際に答える事ができないという場面が多々あった。



今回のASEPにおいても前回と同じく、多くの出会う事で様々な事を経験し、それらを自分自身の糧として取り込むことができたと思う。ASEPの運営に携わっている多くの方々、私達にASEPに参加する機会を提供してくださった吉田教授、今回のASEP一緒に参加したメンバーに感謝したい。そして今回我々を快く受け入れてくださったSt. Paul’sの方々とホストファミリーの方々には特に感謝したいと感じている。今回のASEPを通じて知り合うことができた方々とはこれからも良きパートナー、そして友人として今後も交流していきたいと強く願っています、本当にありがとうございました。


Kansai University Yasunori Ooka


This ASEP has brought me great and fresh experiences, although it is the second time for me to attend ASEP. The experiences that I gained this time are completely different from the last time in 2009. We had cooperated with university students last time, this ASEP, on the other hand, we collaborated with high school students on the presentation. This ASEP gave me the opportunity to consider how we should cooperate with the students who have different cultural backgrounds through English, which is not native language for both of us. This report reflects the ASEP from two perspectives, the first one is how we prepared and delivered our presentation, the second is what I learned through home-stay and interaction with the partner.




Although our presentation received platinum prize, there are some points that should be improved. Thus, I would like to reflect the presentation by dividing it three steps based on timeline, preparation before leaving Japan, preparation Taiwan, and delivering.


Before leaving Japan

Before leaving Japan, we tried to contact them though email. By communicating email, however, was really slow and difficult to fully tell the ideas. In addition, they had had started making PowerPoint and script when we contact them. There was not adequate discussion before leaving Japan and we did not figure out both ideas. In order to discuss ideas well, email might not be the appropriate way, Skype or Facebook, for example, should have been used instead of email. Then we could discuss it smoothly after arriving Taiwan.


In Taiwan

We had two days for preparation, but we could not spend much time on it in the first day because of the city tour they had arranged for us. We had five hours as a preparation and most of the time was used for understanding and memorizing the script they had made already. In the second they we could spend much time on preparing for it. In the morning, however, we just spend almost on memorizing the script. In the afternoon we eventually rehearse our presentation. Then, it was appeared that the script had to be revised, because it substantially overran the allotted time, which is supposed to be within twelve minutes. Although it was obvious we needed to revise our script, there were some difficulties to do it. The team was mainly divided into two roles, the students who made the script and slides and presenters. From the presenters’ position, the script should be revised and made shorter. On the other hand, the students who made the script would have not liked to change it, which they had worked on hardly. Thus, we had to spend much time on discussing it. In addition, we could not communicate in our native language, so the discussion was really frustrating and took a lot of time. Eventually, we won their understating about shortening the script, then we could make the script within the allotted time. As well as the ASEP I participated last time, closing the gap among the participants, and a negotiation capability is required to understand each other. In order to make the preparation more effective, we should have developed an awareness of time management. The first day, for example, we only spend our time on memorizing the script, but if all of us have awareness of time management you could find issues that need a lot of time to be solved.



Although the presentation was really good, there was one point which should be improved. As the judges mentioned after the presentation, it was not effective to stand in front of the screen. It makes the audience hard to see the slides and sometimes it could make them confused.



Cultural experiences



Since this is the third time for me to visit Taiwan, there was no opportunity to be puzzled because of cultural differences. Instead, I have found a lot of similarity between Taiwan and Japan, for example, there are so many convenience stores outside and we can buy Japanese products there. And in terms of public transportations, it is well organized and clean such as HSR and MRT.


Interaction with high school students

In this ASEP, we cooperated with St.Paul’s high school so we worked and prepared the presentation in the senior high school. It is located along the main road and about five minutes walk from the MRT station. On the first day, the students showed us around the school and there were so many interesting things. The most interesting thing is that they have gun trainings in the school. The fact made me realized that the strained relation between Taiwanese and Chinese governments. During the school tour, a lot of students willingly talked to me. Although many students said they are not good at talking English, their English seemed much better than when I was a high school students. Since there are about five years apart in age, it was a little difficult to find a common subject between us. Fortunately, Japanese comics are really popular in Taiwan. We could start conversation with them. The popularity of Japanese comics is farther than I supposed, so they know Japanese comics better than I.



As well as the last time, I could gain a lot of great experiences through interacting with many people in this ASEP. I would like to extend my appreciation for St.Paul’s students and teachers, my team members and everyone involved in ASEP. I do hope that the bond of friendship that has been built though ASEP will last long.




柴山 葵




結論から言うと、家族とも長い時間を過ごせたし、プレゼンテーションもプラチナ賞をいただいた。目標としていたことは達成できたが、やはり改善するべき部分は多くあった。家族と長い時間を過ごし、前回、前々回よりも伝統的な台湾料理を食べることが出来たと思う。しかし、家族があまり英語を得意ではなかったため、話す機会はあったが話す量は少なかったと感じた。もう少し中国語で、「whats this?」といった5W1Hの質問くらいできればよかったと思った。他にも、テレビを見ている時に「この歌知っている?」と質問を受けることもあったが、ほとんど知らなかった。もし次回海外に行くのであれば、amazonのダウンロードランキング等から推測して、流行の曲や有名人などは予習するべきだと思った。プレゼンテーションに関しては、もう少しパワーポイント・スクリプト作成に加わっても良かったと思う。セントポール高校はキチンと役割分担をしていて、誰がスクリプトを作り、誰がパワーポイントを作り、誰が発表方法を決めるか、全て決まっており、それに我々が乗っかる形だった。しかし、ギリギリになって発表時間が越えている、なんとかしないといけない。と、発表前日に手を加えるとなってしまった。全て用意されて、と彼らに任せきりになってしまったのは今回の反省点だと考える。ただ、本番は全員がしっかりと文章を暗記し、詰まる事なく発表できたので、今までと比べても一番スムーズでしっかりとした発表だったのではと思う。その点は大きく評価したい。

この5日間で、改めて多くの事を学んだ。一番成果があったと思うのは、交渉力だと思う。パワーポイントの作成中、セントポール側が主で進めていたので、自分たちの意見を取り入れてもらうため、どう伝えるか?を考えて行い、それを英語で出来たことが大きな収穫だったと思う。具体的には相手の意見を理解し、尊重した上で、自分たちがしたい事を伝える。さらに、案を採用した場合、どういったメリットがあるか。をしっかり伝える。日本語でもなかなか難しいと思うが、これを英語で出来たことは評価すべき点である。そして、何度行っても台湾は面白い。行く度に改たな発見がある。今回の新発見は、ノンバーバルコミュニケーションである。今まで、まったく言語が通じない人と出会ったことがなかったが、今回のホームステイ先のお婆さんが中国語しか話せなかった。しかし、ボディーランゲージと筆談によって、食事を用意してもらったこと、ホストを探してもらったこと、5日間の滞在のお礼を伝えることができた。そして、発表当日のfarewell partyでのダンスを見て、言葉を発しなくても全員同じダンスを踊っているのを見て、英語などの言語というツールを使わなくても、人と人は繋がり合えるのだと感じた。この気付きは日本でいると気づけなかったと思う。そんな多くの事に気づきを得ることができるASEPに、ぜひ多くの人が参加するよう願いたい。





Aoi Shibayama


This is the third time to take part in the ASEP. I joined twice, two years ago and three years ago, so I know how Taiwanese and Taiwan are nice. What I was thinking is having a great time there but that was last time to join ASEP. And I had already joined twice, so I thought I should learn about Taiwan’s culture more and get results like platinum award as a member of Yoshida seminar.

 For preparing this ASEP especially learning Taiwanese culture, I recalled when I was in Taiwan. The first year, I stayed at san-sin high school student’s house. That was really nice and I keep in touch with them. The second year, I collaborated with Sun Yat-sen University and stayed their dormitory, so I could experience students’ culture. They played bowling and karaoke, it is like what Japanese university student do. Images of Taiwanese culture are made of those two experiences, and I stayed with students most of time in those times. So I wanted to spend time with their family this time and learn Taiwanese family’s culture. For the presentation, I wanted to train my skills of how to present. Speaking of presentation, this is the fifth time to do presentation in front of crowds. Of course I know it is important to make good PowerPoint and concentrate on it but St. Paul’s students were making it before we got there, so I thought we should tell them how to speech and practice also. Staying with host family, practicing how to present, those are what I thought before going to Taiwan.

As a result, I could spend most of time with my host family. In addition, we got a platinum award and we could practice to do presentation compared with so far. So I could eat traditional Taiwanese foods more than so far. However, of course there were some points of improvement. About home staying, I could eat a lot of kinds of traditional Taiwanese foods more than last time but I did not talk a lot with my family because of their English levels are not so much. Therefore, I should have studied Chinese such as [what’s this] in Chinese and spoken it. In addition, I should have known that the famous songs in Taiwan at that time because sometimes I was asked whether I knew that singers were. If I go abroad again, I would like to study for celebrities and fashionable songs predicting from Amazon’s download ranking. For the presentation, we should have helped to make presentation, especially power point, script. St. Paul student’s divine parts of job such as power point, script, apparently, so we Kansai students were not likely to join them. However, the day of before presentation, we found that we could not present all within 10 minutes, so we have to make it. We added some demands but it was little a bit too late. We should have thought about how we should make presentation more. This is point of regret. Speaking of that day, everyone memorized scripts completely and spoke smoothly. It looked very good presentation, so I would like to praise it.

I have learned a lot of new things for 5 days. I think the best result is negotiating power in ASEP. During making power point, St. Paul students lead mainly our presentation. We wanted them to introduce our opinions, so we tried to consider how we tell them and we said it in English. This is good harvest for us. I would give you a concrete example, we tried to understand and respect their opinions, after that, we told them if they accept our opinions, how much they could make benefits. It is difficult to tell even if we speak Japanese, but we could do that in English. I think we should give us a good evaluation. Needless to say, Taiwan is great country. The more I go to Taiwan, the more I notice good points of Taiwan and Taiwanese cultures. The new find in this ASEP is non-verbal communication. I have never seen the person who cannot communicate in verbal communication. Usually, most of people can speak English or Japanese. Nevertheless, my host family’s grandmother can speak only Chinese. I could ask her making breakfast, searching my host, and I could tell her thank you using body languages and writing. And when I saw the dance in farewell party on that day, most of participants danced same choreography without words. Not using languages such as English, Chinese, Japanese, we could communicate with each other. I do not think I could notice this because I can communicate with all people in Japan in Japanese. I wish I would like you to join ASEP which we can learn and notice a lot of happy things.




ASEP 2012 報告書

関西大学 大福聡平





 プレゼンテーションは、国内での準備期間、ディスカッションと練習期間、そして本番に分けられる。国内での準備期間中、私なほぼ何もすることができなかった。ゼミのメンバーと大会テーマであるCompetition and Cooperation″について議論し、企業コラボやスポーツにおける競争、国際協力におけるNGOの協働などを例に挙げながら自分たちの考えを深めていった。しかし、私たちの意見がプレゼンテーションに上手く反映された訳ではなかった。なぜならプレゼンの土台はほぼ台湾のチームによって事前に作られたからである。この時点では私たちは上手く協力しているとは言い難かった。






 一つ、ホストファミリーに謝りたいのが、毎日のように彼らを長い間待たせてしまったことだ。 プレゼンテーション作成のスケジュールの関係で仕方ない部分もあるが、迷惑をかけてしまった。過去にASEPに参加した友達も、スケジュールはとても詰まっていて毎日忙しいと言っていた。それに、今回はホストファミリーとの連絡手段が上手く取れるように工夫がされていないと感じた。私のホストはおおらかな方達だったので、トラブルにはならなかったが、次回はプレゼン作成チームの代表者と各ホストファミリーへの連絡手段を確立し、ホスト側がこちらの状況を常に把握できるようなシステムを作るべきだと思った。




 プレゼンテーションを一緒に作成した台湾のチームメイトは、プレゼン作成以外にも色んなところで私たちを支えてくれた。私たちがプレゼン作成で疲れている中、様々な場所に連れて行ってくれ、楽しませてくれた。常にホストとしての意識を持って、私たちが居心地良くいられるように気を回してくれた。出かけた際には、電車の乗り方や台湾のお菓子の食べ方、地下鉄でのダンスの仕方などを教えてくれた。もし私たちが彼らを日本に迎えてホストする際、こんなに上手くガイドできるだろうかと感じるくらい、とても楽しいガイドだった。5つほども年上の大学生相手に、最初は気を遣うこともあっただろうに、プレゼンテーション作成や観光を通して、本当に仲良くなれたメンバーだったと思う。図書館で踊ったGangnam Styleは忘れられない思い出である。

 しかし、少しネガティブな面も話さなければならないと思う。ASEP開催の当日、気分があまりよくない場面が何度かあった。私たちの発表は午後の一番初めに設定されていたため、午前中は他チームの発表を聞く時間が多くあった。私は他のチームの発表、特に関西大学の別のチームの発表を聞くのをとても楽しみにしていた。しかし、私達は他チームの発表中に練習することになった。私は他チームに対して失礼なのでは、と思った。発表する側にとって、観衆はプレゼンテーションの一部であるし、観衆のリアクションや聞く姿勢はとても重要であるはずだからだ。良い聴衆になること、はプレゼンテーターに対しての協力だと言える。今回のASEPのテーマが“Competition and Cooperation”であったのにも関わらず、私たちのチームはCompetitionにばかり集中してしまっていた。結局、私たちは一回だけ練習を行い、会場に戻ったが、私たちの発表後にも同じようなことが起こった。発表が終わるとすぐに、他チームの発表を聞くことなく町へ出かけてしまったのだ。私は違うと思いながらも話し合うことができず、結局一緒に出かけてしまったが、一言言うことができたら良かったと感じている。



ASEP 2012 Report

Kansai University

     In this report, I would like to share my experience at ASEP 2012. I experienced a lot of things. This report would be divided into three parts: presentation, home stay, and communication with team members.


     Part of presentation can be divided again into three contents: preparation, discussion and practice, and delivering of presentation. During a preparation term in each country, I almost could do little or nothing for presentation. Japanese team had some times to discuss the topic, “Competition and Cooperation”. In discussion, we talked connecting many things to the topic. For example, collaboration of companies, competition among sports players and cooperation between NGOs and so on. Even though, our opinions were not reflected in the presentation because fundament of the presentation was created by high school students of Taiwan. At this time, we could not say that we cooperated well each other.

     However, the first meeting with our team members was great for me. They welcomed us so warmly and to my surprise, they had already finished writing almost of all the script of presentation. It seemed that we just need to memorize the sentences provided by high school students. Although there were some grammatical mistakes, their script was well organized and effective enough to give us strong messages. Our discussion and practice part was started by emendation of the script. First of all, we, Japanese team tried to correct some mistakes and expressions to make it easier to understand. The Taiwan members did not counter their arguments against our suggestions. Again, we cannot say there was a good cooperation with them. But it happened when we faced big problem with our presentation. It was about length of presentation. Our presentation was too long to deliver it in time. So we needed to find some part to cut off. Japanese team suggest to cut off some praying part to save time but Taiwan team insisted to keep it to make it more creative. After discussion and some practices, we decided to keep the scene and cut off the other part. During this argument, we could discuss well to make it better. I felt this honest discussion was one of real cooperation. Considering back now, these times to argument, discuss, practice were great time to bond the strong relationship of our team.

     On the day of presentation, many of Taiwan team looked nervous. I thought it was natural because they were just high school students and they had to give a presentation in English in front of many people. While we listened to the presentation by others, I was surprised many times because many young students make it very well. Especially the junior high school students from Indonesia were really impressive because of their powerful voice and full of confidence. We were not so much powerful as them but we could do it very well. Our practice was really paid off. I was very proud of my teammates. Even they were still young, they were very brave and confident. As a result, we got a platinum prize. All we felt a great accomplishment. It was really nice presentation.


     Before I visited Taiwan, I had been really looking forward to eat soup dumpling called xiaolongbao. To tell the truth, it was the thing that I was looking forward the most. And that dream came true on the first day. The host family took me to Chinese restaurant on the Christmas night. When we were eating, they taught me how to eat those foods one by one, especially soup dumpling. It was very delicious as I expected. The other food was also delicious. Actually, during this stay, I really enjoyed Taiwanese food every day even though it was sometimes too much.

 About homestay, it was full of surprise. Their house was so big and their living standard seemed very high level. The places they took me were also very good places like Chinese restaurant and night market. Moreover, the host father was very international business man. He had been many countries like Japan, US, Philippines, Ghana, and so on. He was always busy for business trip to overseas. But he told me that he liked Japan the most among foreign countries and actually, he and his family had visited Japan many times so far as just trip. Every family member liked Japan and that is why they welcomed me very nice, I think.

     One thing I felt very sorry to the host family is that, I made them waited for me so long time every day. Although there was no choice because of the time schedule, it must be very hard for them. As other friends who joined previous ASEP told me, the time schedule was very hard and I thought there was not good contact between host family and presentation team or high school teachers. That was also one of the reasons that I had added extra stress to host family. Because they were very easygoing and generous-hearted, there was no trouble between them and me. However, I suggest that time schedule or contacting system should be changed next time.


     In this part, I would like to mention about what I felt through communication with all people during ASEP. First of all, I really felt like that all Taiwanese like Japanese. While we attended the welcoming ceremony or observing school facilities, all Taiwanese students or teachers gave us warm smiles and they were very kind. In town, we could see many Japanese signs or characters. Moreover, there are a lot of Japanese products. According to my host father, Taiwanese respect Japanese people because of quality of products. They trust Japanese products so that they can trust Japanese people as well. I felt proud of that I am Japanese.

     Except for presentation, our team helped us a lot during stay in Taiwan. They guided us many places to have a fun even they were tired of making presentation. They always keep mind that they were host and they tried to make us comfortable. They taught us how to ride train, how to eat Taiwanese snacks, and how to dance in subway station. We felt always fun and comfortable thanks to them. I wondered if I can guide them as well as them when they visit Japan. Because we were older than them around five years, they must have felt nervous. But through making presentation or going on small trips, we really built a great relationship. I cannot forget that I danced “Gangnam Style” with them in the library.

     I have to mention some negative points though. I sometimes felt bad during the day we had ASEP. Our presentation was planning to be the first in the afternoon so that we had long time to listen to other presentations. I was looking forward to listen others especially other Kansai University team. However, the teacher suggested us that we should practice in the morning during other presentations. I thought it was not polite way as participant and very rude for other teams because listeners are also part of presentation for whom is delivering presentation. Being good listeners is kind of cooperation for the delivers. Although the theme of this time was “Competition and Cooperation”, we thought about competition only. It is very sad thing. After all, we practice only once and went back to listen to the others. Same thing can be said after our presentation. Once we finished our presentation, we went to go out without listening to the others. I was disappointed at both who suggest go out and me who cannot say anything to them. I think I should have told them what we should do at that time.


 Although I mentioned about even some negative points, I am really happy to be able to have joined ASEP 2012. I enjoyed every day and we got a platinum prize. I could spend very fruitful days. All of people I met in Taiwan were warm and most of all food I ate was delicious. But I think ASEP is just a small step for us and Taiwan. We should keep have good relationship with Taiwan by keeping in touch with friends or if we have time, visiting again is also nice. Of course, joining ASEP 2013 is one of the ways.



関西大学外国語学部4年 中川 歩香


 このASEPで、私は初めて台湾に渡航した。新しい環境の中で、海外の高校生とプレゼンテーションを共同制作するという新しい取り組みに、私は大いに期待を膨らませていた。初めて台湾に降り立った時の印象は、「日本みたい!」だった。街中のお店も店頭に並ぶ商品も日本製で溢れ、日本語さえよく目にする。女の子は化粧をし、若者はとてもおしゃれに感じた。街はむしろ日本より賑わっているのではないかとさえ思わせるほどで、車で数十分走っても高層ビルが立ち並び続けているといった風景だった。想像していたよりもはるかに都会な国、台湾を満喫する一方で、私立St. Paul高校の生徒との時間も楽しんだ。今回関わってくれた生徒たちとの出会いからASEP本番までを、項目ごとに書いていく。






 St. Paulは中学校・高校が一貫しており、校舎は広く綺麗だった。生徒たちは気さくで、流暢な英語でよく私たちに声をかけてくれた。生徒のほとんどが英語を難なく話し、一部の生徒は日本語などの第二外国語さえも話すことができるようで、学校が実践的な言語教育に力を入れていることが伺えた。授業の科目や内容も日本とは少なからず異なっており、授業で使用する銃や、イタリア資料館のような教室を見せていただいたときは、大変興味深かった。また、ちょうど体育会を開催しており、リレーや綱引きをしている様子は日本とさほど変わらず、先生の気合の入り方なんかも日本と似通っていて、面白かった。全体的に見て、勉学に力を入れる私立学校である一方で、生徒たちはとても活発で、様々なことに挑戦している学校だという印象を受けた。



 26日に、St. Paul高校側のチームメンバーとの顔合わせがあった。彼らはもうすでに準備の大半を終えており、私たちと会うなり台本を渡してくれた。せっかく台湾に来たのだから、準備ばかりに時間を費やすより、私たちに台湾を満喫して欲しいと、前々から台本や発表形式を取り決めてくれていたのである。発表形式はロールプレイングで、プレゼンテーションというより劇といった感じで、新鮮だった。他と一風違った発表形式で、観客を惹き付けようというのである。また、パワーポイントのスライドには写真を多用し、劇と合わせて視覚的に観客に訴える工夫がされていた。台本は完成していたものの、やはり相手は高校生であり、英語の正確さや明瞭さの点で、私たちが手直しするべき部分もあり、相談の上改良していった。台本以外にも、スライドに使う写真を準備するために、時には授業にお邪魔して撮影したこともあった。

 完成した台本を、実際に劇のように動きもつけて発表すると、制限時間を大きくオーバーした。何回も繰り返し、台詞や段取りを覚えても、どうしても発表時間が長くなりすぎてしまう。せっかく洗練された台本だったが、本番制限時間を越してしまうと失格になってしまうため、台本を削る作業が不可欠となった。台詞を最大限に削っても、まだ少し時間が足りないので、劇も削らざるを得なくなった。しかしSt. Paul高校のメンバーは、"創造性"に重きを置いたプレゼンテーションなので、劇部分はできるだけ削りたくないと主張した。彼らの思いも汲みたかったが、制限時間をオーバーすると、今までの努力が全て水の泡となってしまう。結局、劇部分も少し削り、スムーズにいけば制限時間内に終了する長さの台本が完成した。しかし心配なのが、本番に緊張のために台詞を忘れてしまい、言葉に詰まったときに時間をオーバーすることだ。そのような事態のないよう、各自自分の台詞を一生懸命覚え、何度も何度も全体で発表練習を行った。







私たちのASEPは、関西大学のチームメンバー、St. Paul高校のチームメンバー、そしてサポートしてくださった先生方のおかげで、このように成功を収めることができた。私にとっても、この経験を通して培った他者と協力する力や交渉する力は、大きな学びとなった。台湾で私たちをあたたかく迎えてくれたチームのメンバーやホストファミリー、先生方には大変感謝しているし、この友好関係を長く続けたい。




ASEP 2012 Report

Kansai University, Ayuka Nakagawa


   ASEP gave me an opportunity to visit Taiwan, where I have never been. It was also first time for me to collaborate with students abroad to create one presentation together. I was so excited to have this opportunity and it actually turned out to be a wonderful experience for me.


   When we first met our team members in St. Paul high school, they gave us scripts they had already done. The presentation style was role-playing - unlike common presentation style, it used dialogue. They created the presentation focusing on creativity in order to attract listeners. The idea of script and acting was interesting and well-conceived, but some sentences of English they wrote was unclear and inaccurate to some extent as they were still high school students. Therefore, as our way of cooperation, we made revisions of the script. At the same time, we prepared for other presentation materials such as photos.

   After completing script, we actually tried to read it aloud with acting. Then we realized we ran out of time of presentation. Even though we remembered the script and acting to do it smoothly, we still could not finish it in time. We needed to cut some scripts to finish within a time frame, since we would be disqualified from award if we present overtime. We cut script as much as we could, but we still ran out of time a little. We could not help but cutting some acting as well. St. Paul members, however, insisted that they did not want to cut acting because acting made our presentation more creative and creativity was necessary part for our presentation. We had some conflict on this issue, but at last, we decided to cut some acting to meet a time limitation. Finally we could make our presentation finish within a time frame if it is done smoothly. We must have remembered our script surely and we individually tried our best.

   On the day of ASEP, we rehearsed 2 times meanwhile our friends’ presentations. We prepared and practiced hard for this presentation, so we were sure to finish our presentation successfully. Our only concern was time limitation. Eventually, our turn came. I could see my team members were very nervous. The way they speak and act, however, was full of confidence on stage. I thought it was our best performance ever. No one was stuck for words. Everyone did a great job.

   As a result, we got platinum award. I could not be happier when I hear our result. All of our team members shouted for delight. I believe that the hard work of St. Paul high school students and our fruitful corporation led us to this great result.


   Finally, I would like to thank all the people who have worked hard to engage in ASEP, and students and teachers in St. Paul for letting us have this wonderful and unforgettable experience.




ASEP 2012







 “Competition and cooperation” – 2012年度ASEPのトピックです。関西大学の4年生は高校生とチームを組む事になりました。高校生とプレゼンを作るのは初の試みでしたが、不安など一切ありませんでした。それも吉田教授から聖ポール高校の学生たちはとても積極的かつ意欲的だと聞いていたからです。 トピックがかなり大きなテーマだったために話合うのにも時間がかかってしまいました。













 カトリックの私立学校だったので正門付近の踊り場で大きなクリスマスツリーが飾られていました。 校長先生を筆頭に様々な方々が私たちを手厚く歓迎してくれて、本当に嬉しかったです。現地の中学・高校生もとても元気で積極的に声をかけてくれました。一部工事中の建物もあり歴史を感じるところもありましたが生徒達は活き活きとしていて勉強・スポーツに励んでいました。









ASEP 2012

Kansai University

Ami Nagao


     Explore, dream, discover – once said the famous writer, Mark Twain. When I heard about ASEP 2012, without a second thought, I got myself in for the programme. Joining ASEP would be a great opportunity for me to interact with people who have diverse backgrounds. Moreover, being exposed to Taiwanese cultures, customs and lifestyles would positively broaden my sense of value and perception.



     “Competition and cooperation” – this was the theme of ASEP 2012. Kansai University – senior students were teamed up with high school students. I never had a group presentation with high school students; however, I was not worried at all. As I heard that students from St. Paul High school are aspiring and highly motivated, and they did started distributing their own ideas much earlier than us. Our group discussed the theme carefully and thoroughly by sharing our ideas. The theme was quite indefinite that it was hard for us to reach the conclusion.

      E-mail was the key tool to contact with our Taiwanese teammates, especially to their teacher, Walter. He was also a generous and enthusiastic man, he gave us guidance and encouragement in many situations, such as making the topics, scripts and power points.

     We all could meet our six Taiwanese teammates in Kaohsiung after Christmas. Namely, Andy, Betty, Celine, Jessie, Peter and Viginia. They never hesitated to ask any questions and speak up their minds. Further, they were good listeners. Whenever we had some opinions and suggestions, they always listened and we compromise our opinions to find the best possible agreements through mutual communication. 

     Role-playing method was the main approach to deliver our presentation. I have seen some students use the style in World Youth Meeting, but never done it myself. While role-playing is a powerful technique, it consumes time. When we run through the script, the measured time exceeded the limit time. We had to make several major changes in order to solve the situation. By conducting important parts and eliminating unnecessary ones, we could manage to finish the presentation within the time at the performance.


Home stay and free time

     Everything was astonishing, exciting and empowering in Taiwan because of my host family. They let me experience to live in a cozy Taiwanese home, taste authentic Taiwanese foods and explore variety of Taiwanese sites. My host family was friendly and kindhearted, and I was fortunate that I could meet such a wonderful family.

     We enjoyed our first dinner conversation at a Taiwanese seafood restaurant with their friends and relatives. It was my first time to eat on a round table with various appetizing dishes on it. Like Japan, it seemed that Taiwanese seafood puts an importance on natural flavors rather than complicated seasonings. Traditional radish cakes, pumpkin noodles and seafood-fried rice soon became my favourites. We enjoyed getting to know each other for the rest of the night.

     My host family lives in a condominium. They arranged me an own private room with a private bathroom. They even prepared me a towel, toothbrush and toilet amenities. Not only the fully quipped environment but also my host’s hospitality was the huge reason of why I could spend comfortable nights. Moreover, they treat me not only just as a guest but also as a new member of their family.

     As I love to eat, breakfast became the enjoyable part of my every day routine. As my host mother always provided my host sister and I a tempting and delicious Taiwanese breakfast, such as mini soup dumplings, gyozas, and tofu meals. With its enriching colours and savory flavours, I could ask for nothing more. One time, my host sister, friends and I went to a night market to enjoy local Taiwanese foods. I had some famous and unique Taiwanese snacks that cannot have in Japan. For instance, duck tongue, stinky tofu and oyster omelet. The taste of stinky tofu was good, but I find its smell very stinky that made an unforgettable impression that night.

     Students and teachers from St. Paul have also show us around the city and the bay area. In there, we could enjoy a spicy red hot pot, gigantic shaved ice cream with colourful fruits and local snacks served up in streets. We used MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) to visit the sites. In Taiwan, they adopt IC coins to collect passenger fares, which was the same with MRT in Bangkok, Thailand.

     During break time at school, Walter always offered us tempting desserts. Pearl milk tea was one of them. Commonly called bubble tea, is also one of the well-known beverages that include chewy Tapioca spheres in Taiwan. I got to see the place much closer and in a new way, by getting along with native friends, using public transportations and having local food.



     St. Paul's High School (高雄市天主教明誠中學) is a catholic school located in the second largest city of Taiwan. Compared to the high school I attended in Japan, it was much huger and well maintained. Some parts of the buildings were under construction in order to rebuild a more solid and modern framework. As for teachers and students, they welcomed us with warm heart that we could ease our nerves. They always treated us equal and were sincere to us.

     I never felt any language barriers and problems at school. They were excellent English speakers, plus they were great entertainers as well. They fancy singing and dancing. Whenever they had free time, they often sing and dance; never got tired of doing that routine over and over again. We even went once to a karaoke bar to enjoy what they do for fun. From 15 and 16 year-old adorable friends, I learned again the importance of being young, lively and free.


Thanks to everyone I met

     Firstly, I would like to thank everyone I met in Taiwan. To my host family who let me experience a home stay experience; I had an excellent opportunity to learn about Taiwanese customs and their way of life. Even though I was away from my home, I felt love and care. They let me realize that in spite of different cultures and habits, family always ties together; we always care for our families. I am very glad that they welcomed and accepted me as a new daughter.

     To my friends I met in high school and ASEP, who gave me love. They had a great impact on my life; it was fun and entertaining being with them and also of the learning, emotional support and the growth that they lead to. I am missing them badly and hope I can meet them again very soon.

     Secondly, would like to thank all the teachers and supporters of ASEP. Without their huge and patient effort, ASEP would not be successful. The programme was fruitful in many ways. We learnt not only presentation skills but also the importance of exchanging, accepting the ideas and ideals of other people. Regardless of international conflicts among countries, we could make many friends in ASEP. Hope this programme will become the key to resolve and overcome tensions among many nations.

     Lastly, to my beloved Kansai University friends, I appreciate a lot to them. I could show and share both joy and sad, good and bad to them. They never refuse me for who I am. They gave me support, encouragement and defense during and out of the programme. I am very proud of having friends like them. Also, thank you, Professor Yoshida, for always giving us an unconditional support and love.



関西大学外国語学部4年次生 若林久美子



私たちは今回のプレゼンテーションを行うにあたり、まず日本からの参加チーム内で“cooperation and competition”についてのブレインストーミングを行いました。そして、cooperation, competition, collaboration3つを軸にプレゼンテーションを構成していくことになり、その旨を、St.Paul高校の代表の林さんに報告し、また、相手方の進捗報告もお願いするメールを送りました。しかし、忙しいからか何日経っても返信がなく、催促のメールをしたところ、プレゼンは完成しましたという返事がきました。その時点で台湾渡航まであと数日で、もうどうすることもできず、台湾に着いたときにはすでにスクリプトも完成しており、私たちは相手方の指示に従うだけということになってしまいました。これに関しては、責任者であった私がもっと事前に、ゼミ内で打ち合わせをして、プレゼンテーションの軸を決め、すばやく相手校の代表に連絡を取り合うべきだったと思います。もし連絡がとれないようだったら、積極的に何度も催促のメールをすべきでした。そうすれば、もっと日本から参加する私たちの意見を組みこめたプレゼンテーションになったと思います。幸いなことに私たちの意見であったcooperation, competitioncollaborationが欠かせないという意見は取り入れてくれていたので、その点に関してはメールを送っていてよかったと思いました。

プレゼンテーションと準備から本番までに関しては、一からプレゼンテーションを作った経験のある大岡くんと長尾さんが中心になって進めていってくれました。二人の背中を見て、プレゼンテーションを作るプロセスを学ぶことができました。しかし、振り返ってみると、私たちのチームにはチームワークが欠けていたように思います。まず日本から参加する学生の中でも、指揮をとってくれるメンバーとそれに従う学生の間でも、モチベーションやチームに貢献しようという姿勢の違いが表れていました。そしてSt. Paulの生徒側も、プレゼンテーションをする生徒と、パワーポイントを作成する生徒が別々だったため発表内容を変更しても、パワーポイントのスライドが対応しないことが何度もありました。このあたりに関しても、学生に対してはモチベーションコントロールを、St. Paulの生徒に関してはパワーポイントを担当してくれていた生徒にも、プレゼンテーションの話し合いにも参加してもらうよう話したり、事前にSt. Paulの代表者と打ち合わせしたりしておけばよかったと思います。そうすることで、より質の高いプレゼンテーションを作ることができたと思います。チームとしてはプラチナムをいただくことができましたが、本番に私自身緊張してしまい、セリフを少し忘れてしまい悔いの残るプレゼンテーションとなってしまいました。今回のプレゼンテーションでは聴衆をひきつけること、そして聴衆に感動を与えられたとは正直思えませんでした。しかし初めてこのような場でプレゼンテーションをする機会を得られ、プレゼンテーションの難しさを肌で感じることができたことは、今回のASEPでの収穫になりました。



今までニュージーランドやイギリスでのホームステイを経験しましたが、今回のホームステイではじめて男子学生がホストで少し不安でした。事前に連絡を取り合っていた際は、とても好意的で安心していましたが、実際に左営駅に迎えにきてくれたときに、男性3人で出迎えてくれたときは、やはり不安で、英語もあまり通じずとても不安そうな顔をしていたと思います。しかし、晩御飯を食べるホテルまで案内してくれ、ホストマザーとホストシスターに会えたときはとても安心し、積極的にコミュニケーションをとるようになりました。事前に左営駅に着く時間をホストファミリーに伝えるだけでなく、その際に誰が迎えにきてくれるのかなど、事前に現地での滞在期間中の行動を予想し、それに必要となる情報交換の重要性を痛感しました。その後はトラブルもなく、快適なホームステイを経験できました。事前にホームステイ申込書に台湾の食文化に興味があると伝えていたからか、台湾の様々な食べ物を私に紹介してくれ、最終日にはわざわざ市場やレストランに連れて行ってくださり、餃子やグァバ、マンゴーなど台湾でしか食べられないものをたくさん教えてくださりました。何より私のホストファミリーは、私に台湾のことを一つでも多く知ってほしいと、Love Riverや新堀江など、高雄の有名どころに時間が許す限り連れて行ってくださり、一つ一つ説明をしてくれました。何より驚いたのは彼らの圧倒的な知識量でした。私も海外の友人が日本に来た時は案内をしますが、ここまで積極的に自ら進んで紹介することはなく、友人の行きたい場所へ案内する程度で、細かい歴史などを教えてあげられるほどの知識もありません。日本についてもっと知ろうと海外に行くたびに思いますが、今回特に感じたのは相手の興味のある分野に精通しておくと、コミュニケーションが取りやすいと言うことでした。これに関しては下の学校の欄で詳しく書いています。このホームステイを通じて、私の事前準備の甘さを反省するとともに、台湾人のホスピタリティーに学ぶところはたくさんありました。私自身の生活を振り返り、もっと周りの人の気持ちを大切に、相手が何を望んでいるのかということをもっと考える必要性を痛感しました。



高雄到着翌日、さっそくSt. Paulの全校生徒の前で挨拶する機会をいただき、皆しっかりと聞いてくれ、あたたかく歓迎してくれました。プレゼンテーションの準備の際に学校内で生徒に出会うことが多かったのですが、皆すれ違うたびに挨拶をしてくれ、なかには日本語で挨拶をしてくれる生徒もおり、驚きました。恥ずかしがって私たちの後ろをついてくる生徒もいましたが、こちらから声をかけると、こんにちはと挨拶をしてくれました。しかし、中には英語も日本語もあまりできない生徒もおり、コミュニケーションの取り方に戸惑うことが何度かありましたが、簡単な英語や日本語で話しかけたり、勉強してきた中国語で話しかけたりすることで意思疎通を図ることができました。中国語を少しばかり勉強してきたとはいえ、やはり限界があり、もっと中国語を勉強してこればよかったと思う反面、中国語などを使わずにコミュニケーションをとっている学生がいました。彼は日本の漫画のキャラクターの真似や、漫画の話をしていました。言語はわからなくても、彼の言いたいことをSt. Paulの生徒たちは理解して彼に親近感を覚えていたのではないかと思います。そういった経験からも、台湾で流行っている日本の漫画を読むなど、台湾側の生徒の立場に立ち、彼らの興味のある分野に関しての知識を深めておけば、もっとSt. Paulの生徒たちと仲良くなることができたのではないかと思います。



まず、ASEPという企画を教えてくれた友人にありがとうという気持ちを伝えたいです。ASEPに参加することになったのは大学4回生の冬でしたが、1回生のときにASEPに参加して、その経験を私に教えてくれ、興味を持たせてくれた友人に感謝しています。彼と話をすることがなければ、私はASEPに興味を持つこともなく、4回生になってゼミで参加するということになっても、あまり気持ちが向かないまま中途半端な気持ちで参加することになっていたと思います。そしてASEPを運営して下さった関係者の皆様、それを日本で支えてくださった吉田先生や影戸先生、池田先生をはじめとする先生方に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。たくさんの生徒や学生が世界から高雄に集まり、それをコーディネートするだけでも大変だったと思いますが、スムーズに大会は進行していき、最後まで楽しむことができました。特にASEPに誘ってくださったゼミの教授でもある吉田先生に感謝しています。吉田ゼミに入らなければ、積極的にASEPに参加したいということにならなかったでしょうし、吉田先生がお持ちのコネクションが活躍した大会であったと思います。ASEPの期間、私を受け入れてくれたホストファミリー。彼らのホスピタリティーのおかげで、私はASEPだけでなく、台湾での生活を楽しむことができました。今回の滞在はとても短かったのですが、彼らが台湾の食生活や文化についてあらゆる角度から教えてくれたことで、台湾に観光で来るよりも中身のある台湾渡航にすることができました。最後に一緒に参加したSt. Paulの生徒の皆、そして吉田ゼミの皆、関西大学総合情報学部から参加した学生の皆にもありがとうの気持ちを伝えたいと思います。St. Paulの生徒の皆はあたたかく私たちを受け入れてくれて、私たちに素敵な台湾での思い出をプレゼントしてくれました。吉田ゼミの中には今回参加できなかったゼミ生もいましたが、彼らも日本から応援してくれました。総合情報学部の学生は台湾の案内などをしてくれ、とても助かりました。このように振り返ってみると、本当にたくさんの人の協力があってASEPという大会が運営されていたのだと再確認しました。今後はこの大会でできたコネクション、彼らへの感謝の気持ちを忘れずに日々精進していきたいと思います。





                                                              岡田 菜摘 





  実際に台湾でチームメイトと合流するまでに、日本で三回のスカイプミーティングをしました。最初は、慣れないということもあり、進行がうまくいきませんでした。その中で、今回のASEPテーマであった、cooperation and competitionというトピックに基づいて、どの様にアプローチしていくかを話し合いました。日本側と台湾側とで、考えている言葉の定義や、プレゼンの構想が異なることが多く、その調整をするのがとても難しかったことを覚えています。時には行き詰まり、なかなか思うように進まないことが多くありましたが、最終的には、ある程度お互いの意見や考え方を共有することが出来ていました。この事前準備がなければ、台湾についてからの少ない時間で、プレゼンをまとめることは出来ていなかったと思います。



 事前準備である程度話し合っていたということもあり、スムーズな流れでプレゼン内容についての議論に入ることが出来ました。初めに、プレゼンのアウトライン、各パートで使う事例の整理や、言葉の定義の最終決定等に時間を費やしました。なかなか事例を決定することが出来ず、英語でお互いの意見や感情の微妙なニュアンスを伝えることの難しさを痛感しました。その後は、チームをプレゼンのパートごとに三つのグループに分けて、それぞれスクリプトやパワーポイントのスライドの作成に取りかかりました。実際にスクリプトを制作するにあたって、今まで話し合ってきた内容に修正・改善を加えなければいけない部分や、もう少し内容を詰めなければいけない箇所が出てきたので、その都度、全体での話し合いやグループ同士の調整を挟むことで解決していきました。その結果、一日目終了時点で、大体のスクリプトとスライドが完成した状態で二日目に移ることが出来ました。二日目の午前中は、一日目に完成していなかったパートの補足や、本番での役割分担を決定しました。本番では、パソコンのオペレーター担当者以外は舞台にあがり、全員で発表することにしました。大人数での発表だということで、プレゼンターの入れ替えや間の取り方に気をつけようと思いました。午後からは部屋を貸し切って、実際にスライドを利用してのプレゼン練習に取り組みました。私は、今まで何回もプレゼンを経験してきましたが、それでもまだまだ不十分な点に多く気付かされました。例えば、前に立つ時の姿勢や、スピーチ中のジェスチャー、表情等は、チームメンバーに指摘されて初めて気づくことが出来ました。実際に練習風景をレコーディングし、確認した際は、自分の英語の発音やアクセント、抑揚の付け方の改善点を多く発見することができ、良い気付きになったと思います。逆に、チームメンバーの発表の仕方を見て、客観的な視点でプレゼンを捉えることもできました。この日は、何回もリハーサルを重ね、翌日の本番に備えました。本番では、途中パワーポイントがダウンしてしまい、良い流れで進んでいたプレゼンの進行が止まってしまうという予想外の出来事がありました。とても悔しく感じましたが、皆大きく動揺することもなく、最後まで通すことができ良かったです。最終的には、一番良い色の賞を頂けて、達成感でいっぱいになりました。結果発表が終わり、チームメンバーと写真を撮っている時に、このメンバーとプレゼンできて本当に良かったと感じました。意見の衝突や、なかなかうまく話し合いが進まないこともありましたが、全て良い思い出・経験に変わった瞬間でした。今回の経験を活かして、来年度のWorld Youth Meetingや、ASEPに繋げていければいいなと思います。













Kansai University

Foreign Language Faculty

Natsumi OKADA


    In fact, it took much time to decide to take part in ASEP due to my job-hunting schedule; however, I can say that my decision was absolutely fine.


1. Skype Meeting

    Before leaving Japan, we had a skype meeting with team members in Taiwan for three times. We mainly discussed how to approach the theme ‘cooperation and competition’, but it was quite hard to understand or integrate each other’s opinion. Especially, it took much effort to modulate the differences of the word’s definitions or imagined structures of our presentation. We always bounce ideas off team members and sometimes our discussion did not go well. However, thanks to this meeting, we were able to share our opinions and core ideas. Therefore, I think that it was impossible to complete our presentation in a limited time in Taiwan without this process.


2. Preparation and Outcome of our Presentation

     Thanks to the above process, we did not have many difficulties to exchange our opinions at the first meeting in Taiwan. At first, we spent several hours to decide which examples to use in our presentation and fix the definitions of the key words. Actually, it was still hard to convey what I thought correctly in English. Then, we divided our team into three parts and made scripts or slides of presentation in each group. While making them, we discussed again and again, every time we found some parts to be improved or revised. As a result, we almost finished making scripts and power points on the first day. In the morning of the following day, we allocated each roles of delivering a presentation. We decided that all of us would get on a stage except for the operators of a computer. I thought we had to be aware of the timing of changing presenters on a stage not to distract audience’s concentration. In that afternoon, we practiced and practiced by using power point. I found many points which I had to improve even though I had experienced giving a presentation for many times. For example, my team members pointed out that my posture, gesture and facial expression were not good enough. I also found some weaknesses in my pronunciation, accent and intonation when we recorded our rehearsals. At the same time, I was able to observe our presentation when I watched the ways of other presenters. On that day, we continued to practice hard until it was getting dark outside. Finally, on the following day, we delivered our presentation successfully in front of a lot of audiences even though power points stopped working suddenly at the middle of our speech. This was an absolute unexpected thing; however, we managed to continue to the end without upsetting too much. As a result, we had got the most honored award in this competition, ASEP. I was filled with the feeling of achievements and happy to have such a great award. This was the very moment which all the difficulties we had overcame changed to the great memories and experiences. I would like to make the most use of this experience in ASEP for coming World Youth Meeting and ASEP in 2013.


3. Home stay

    I met a so lovely family in Taiwan through this home stay program. From the first meeting, my host family welcomed us very much. Actually I was a little bit worrying about my total inconvenience of Chinese, however, my host family tried to talk us a lot through my host sister, Vivian who were good at speaking both English and Japanese. As time went by, I became to communicate with them by using body languages or facial expression despite of our language barrier. Sometimes, they taught me some Chinese words and I also taught them some Japanese ones. In a day time, I had been in I-Shou University almost all the time, but I was always looking forward to going back to home. After school, they often took us to many famous places in the city. When we went night market, my host mother bought us a lot of presents as souvenirs for our families in Japan. In addition to this, Vivian gave us a bracelet as an OMAMORI the day before ASEP. I was about to crying by receiving her heartwarming kindness. At that night, my host mother cooked an extremely great Taiwanese dinner. Even though I was surprised at the fingers and hearts of chicken in a soup, I was quite moved by her delicious dishes and great hospitality. Because of many wonderful memories with them, I felt really loneliness when we said good-bye at the station on the last day. They said to us, ‘We are always welcoming you, waiting for you.’ for many times. And also, they promised to come to Japan every year. I cannot wait to see my sweet host family next time. Finally, the very thing I felt during my home stay in Taiwan, they always expressed their appreciation or affection to family members without any hesitation. We Japanese rarely express their feelings or appreciation towards people who are closely related with in a daily lives. Therefore, I came to think I would say many thanks to my family in Japan. I will never forget much kindness and hospitality of my host family we received in those five days.


4. I-Shou University

     I-Shou University was much bigger than I expected. Its campus is quite huge and had an amusement park and shopping mall. The amusement park owned by this university was full of junior high school students who came there as a school trip. The atmosphere is like a Tropical resort and quite different from Kansai University. Moreover, we can fully enjoy a beautiful night view after sun-set. Then, I will introduce some facilities at I-Shou University. Firstly, there are several nice cafeteria which we can have a lunch or brunch. We also used one of the cafeterias to have a lunch every day. Since the dishes are quite cheap and delicious, I guess these cafes are good for students’ economy. Secondly, there is a big library where many students can study like our university. One different thing is that general college students and exchange students use different library in a same building. Finally, as I mentioned above, I-Shou University is too huge to look around whole campus. Therefore, I would like to visit again in the near future.


5. Great thanks to everyone I met

    As we have seen, I will give a great thanks to my wonderful team members, my sweet host family and all the people who I met in Taiwan. I will never forget their kindness and memories we shared in those five days. I would like to welcome them to Japan if we have opportunities. In the end, I will thank ASEP which gave me unforgettable and priceless experiences.



関西大学外国語学部 岡本有生

1.       事前交渉





2.       プレゼン準備




3.       発表




4.       台湾の文化



5.       義守大学の様子



6.       最後に



Report about ASEP

Kansai University Faculty of foreign language studies: Yuki OKAMOTO

1.       Prior meeting

There are two things that I could learn from what I had made efforts on the stage of prior meeting in Japan. The first thing is how to connect both sides of group’s ideas into one main idea. We have discussed by Skype three times before meeting in Taiwan. At first Japanese group showed our ideas and then Taiwanese group showed theirs. Yet, our ideas were neither same nor similar. Their ideas are followings: the main argue is to decide which idea of completion and cooperation is better. In order to make this decision, they will try to figure out both positive and negative aspects. In fact, this idea that they could come up with was the one we also could. However, we thought the other groups would make same organization of presentation, so we would like to create other types of presentation instead of the typical style of presentation. We told Taiwanese group about our ideas, and then they actually also thought same things as us. And finally they could agree with us and consequently our ideas were applied as the main organization. However, Japanese group have tried to think of alternative, which includes Taiwanese group ideas otherwise, our completed presentation could be the one that only Japanese considered. So we could come up with including “case-study” into our presentation, and this case-study was the idea of Taiwanese groups.

The second thing I could obtain from this prior meeting is related to a choice of word. Firstly, we used the word “share” as the meaning of sharing what we have got from cooperation and competition. But Taiwanese group did not seem to understand what we meant since they thought “share” might be same as “cooperation”. Although we could make them understand what we meant by “share”, they did not still appear to be satisfied with the idea of “share”.  So we changed the word of “share” to “spread”, then they finally seemed to be persuaded of our idea. From this, I could learn that we used “share” as Japanese-English, so only Japanese can understand it but other people do not.

Based on those above statements, in order to harmonize our ideas with others, it would be better to explain why we cannot agree with other people’s idea, but it is not good to deny all of others’ ideas. It is important to try to harmonize effectively since there are for sure both good and not good points. Moreover, it is necessary to use proper English when we talk with other countries people.


2.       Preparation of presentation

What I have tried to do during preparation of presentation is to make up a schedule for the day of ASEP. By making it obvious how much time left to prepare by 28th from 26th, we could effectively work. Furthermore, by doing so, we could know how much time left, which was quite short. This motivated us to work out hard.

On the other hand, what I thought I should have done is to do some ice-breaking activities. We felt very nervous when we met first time at I-Shou university. Even though we have discussed on Skype, we were still pretty much nervous. Nevertheless, we hardly had any ice-breaking activities, rather we stared having discussion as soon as we introduced ourselves. Although we could be more comfortable during lunch time, we should have had more ice-breaking so that the conversation before lunch would be going well.


3.       Presentation

There are actually three things I worked out during presentation. First of all, we showed impressive numbers at the very beginning part of presentation. By doing this, we could succeed to gain attention from audience. The second issue is to show the outline in the introduction part. This could help audience to easily understand what our presentation would go. And the last things is to leave a message for audience to remind them of what is the most important in our presentation.

While to show outline and to leave a message seemed effective, the first issue – to show impressive number – did not appear to work so well. This might be because of the fact that there were so many young students that they could not keep focusing on listening to our presentation. Since we did not expect that audience were such young students, if only we could know about audience, and we should create better way to gain attention more effectively.


4.       Taiwan culture

There are three customs related to life in Taiwan, which I learnt from my experiences. The first thing is that it is polite not to eat everything served by someone as dinner or lunch. This means if we eat everything served, it means we are still hungry and want to eat more. So, while it is manner to eat everything served in Japanese culture, it is opposite in Taiwan culture. The second thing is about how to take shower. In my homestay, the bathroom type was, what is called, unite-bath, which is what we can see in hotel or apartment.  Yet, only one different thing from these types is the fact that there is no curtain between a bathtub and a toilet. I thought it would be like flooded with water, so I took shower much carefully so that no water is on the floor. But, actually I was supposed to take shower not in a bathtub but outside of it. This means it is supposed to be flooded with water on the floor. Therefore, after someone took shower, it is natural the floor is flooded by water. The third thing is open hour of shops is quite long. When we went to the night market, some clothes shops were still open even in 1 am, which was very astonishing.


5.       The university of I-Shou

If I can describe I-Shou University in a word, it can be an amusement park. This is because there were a big wheel, roller coasters, a big shopping mall, a stadium and two hotels. My friends told me that this university had a faculty of hospitality. The students of this faculty are working in this university “amusement park” so they can study practically. Furthermore, there were so many gorgeous houses, where professors and exchange students are living.


6.       Last comments

I have to appreciate all people whom I met in Taiwan for letting me comfortably stay for four nights and five days. My homestay mates, students in I-Shou University, people who organized ASEP, thank you a lot.





岸本 知子


















 私の訪問した大学は、高雄にある義守大学というところでした。初めて大学を見て、一番初めに思ったことは、すごく大きな大学だなあ、ということでした。関西大学と比較してみると、まず敷地面積や、大学の規模が格段に違います。大学内に遊園地、ショッピングモール、高校、大学、生徒の寮まですべて完備されていることにすごく驚きました。中でも、一番驚いた施設はJapanese Culture Training Roomという場所です。その部屋には、日本の伝統的な住まいや、茶室があり、現地の学生が、授業の一環として、その部屋で実際にシュミレーションしながら、日本の文化を経験できるところでした。茶室ひとつ見てみても、本物のように再現されており、ここで日本にいるかのように、勉強できる環境を素直にうらやましくも感じました。日本文化の部屋だけでなく、ほかにも、中国文化の部屋や、空港のセキュリティーチェックや、ホテルの受付のシミュレーション教室もあり、そういった意味ですごく実践的な教育をしている大学だと思いました。






Kansai University

Faculty of Foreign Language Studies

Tomoko Kishimoto


              This was the first time for me to go to Taiwan. Not only was this time first visiting to Taiwan, but also it was the first time for me to participate in such a international presentation competition like ASEP. From the beginning to the last, all of the events were new to me, so I have learnt a lot from them. Then, I shall divide those events into six parts, and describe each of them specifically below.



At first, we needed to discuss what we present on the day previously on skype because there was not enough time for us to make our presentation from the beginning after arriving Taiwan. We have different cultural backgrounds, and it sometimes caused problems while we were discussing. For example, the difference of the concept we have towards the time. We, Japanese team, were gathering before the meeting, and confirmed what we were going to discuss and the subject to talk on the day so that we could start the meeting on time. In addition to this, we arranged the time and place to gather for the meeting in advance. However, even though the time we promised to skype had passed, it sometimes happened that the Taiwanese team skype account had not come to online, and we had to wait for a minute. As the same thing with this, I think that Taiwanese team surely had dissatisfaction to Japanese team. During the meeting, there were some conflicts each other, but we faced them sincerely and could discuss them deeply. Then, finally one conclusion had shaped. I feel that Japanese team was a little bit superior to Taiwanese team this time, and saw some moments that Taiwanese team made a concession. However, because we could make a temporary conclusion at the time, at that point, it could be said that the pre-negotiation went well.


Preparation for the presentation

              After arriving Taiwan, there was still a need to be discussed. Within two days till the presentation, we spend the first day for preparing the contents of the presentation and drawing the power point, and the second day for rehearsing. I thought that the contents were well made at the time of our pre-negotiation, but actually some stuff to be discussed were eventually coming out on the process such as a conflict about the theme of the presentation. However, those conflicts were all solved in the morning. After that, we divided us into three groups, and made power point and scripts group by group. At this point, we also found new conflicts, and had to gather around again to solve the problems, but we managed to finish making the whole presentation by the evening. Overall, it went on quite smoothly.


What I learnt and the points to be improved through the presentation

              On the day of our presentation, I think we all were getting nervous. Of course, I was the one of them, and I was really nervous until right before our presentation. As a result, looking back our presentation, it was quite good. Although we were nervous, we still well done without any big problems during presentation. After all, we got the platinum award, and it also shows that our presentation was good. The only trouble while presentation we got was that the computer we were using suddenly turned off and we had to stop and wait for the computer recovered. That happened while I am talking! However, we did not get confused by such a trouble, and hopefully kept going on decently.

              In the presentation, what I learnt and what I could devise are so similar. What I could devise is to make a presentation standing at the point of audiences’ view. The same thing applies to what I learnt from our presentation. After participation ASEP, I watched our presentation, which is already recorded. Then, I realize that I had some problems about talking in front of the audiences. The first one is that I was restless. My hands or legs kept moving; therefore the restless movement might catch audiences’ eyes and could not concentrate on our presentation itself. The second one is eye contact. While presenting, I was not make much eye contact with audiences, instead of this, I was looking slides or far above the audiences. This might cause lack of persuasion or impacts to the audiences. The last one is a lack of entertainment elements. When I saw the presentation of high school students, they were singing or acting on a stage. I found that those things attract the audiences. Thus, on the next presentation, I will take all the things above into consideration, and make our presentation better.


Things that I learnt from the culture and the people

              At home I stayed in Taiwan, everything was so flesh to me. As I mentioned above, going to Taiwan itself was the first time for me, so I was lucky to have such an experience on the land I had never been before. I could know local goodness, which can never be seen when you go there only for sightseeing. At the same time, Taiwanese people were so kind to me. For instance, my host mother drove me to the university every morning, or my host sister took me to famous night market till midnight. The staying was like touching those kindness a lot. I also felt that this is not only because of the feelings they like Japanese, but also because of the national character of them. When I welcome them next in Japan, I would like to treat them as nice as they did to us.


              Where I visited was the university called I-shou University in the south of Taiwan. When I saw the university, the first thing came up on my mind was how large the university is. Comparing to Kansai University, the site area and the scale was so much different. I was astonished by them having their own shopping mall, a theme park, high school, and an accommodation. Amongst all of them, the most surprising place for me was the room called ‘Japanese Culture Training Room’. In the room, there were Japanese traditional residence and a tea ceremony room, and students can learn Japanese culture practically as a class. To be honest, I was jealous of them being able to actually simulate what Japanese culture is like there. Besides the ‘Japanese Culture Training Room’, they also had that of Chinese version, airport, and hotel reception. In this way, I thought that this university has more practical education system than Japanese university.

              In addition to this, I was impressed by the local students. While staying at the university, we were working all day in the computer room. In there, I could easily see how the local students work on their assignments. The thing I thought then was that they were working so hard. Some of them were debating; the others were working on alone. Even though Japanese students study like them before exam week, when it comes to normal weeks, it is seldom to see students working hard as well as Taiwanese students. However, in fact, this attitude towards studying can apply the students who are living in foreign countries. This is because I thought the same thing when I went to England for study abroad. We should do the same.

The gratitude

              To sum up this visiting, I would like to appreciate myself of all the people whom I met there; Mr. Daniel, the rest of the member of my team, and my host family. I am so glad to have that precious experience. Thank you very much.





関西大学 外国語学部 周 唯





 今回のASEPの論題が出されたのは、参加の3週間前のことでした。『Cooperation and Competition』という漠然としたお題を耳にして、一同は呆然。まず、我々はプレゼンテーションの構成を考えることにしました。台湾出発前は主に週1回のSkypeミーティングで台湾チームと意見交換をしました。その他諸々の連絡はFacebookという感じでした。Skypeミーティングの際、我々が心がけていたことは、できるだけその一週間で話し合った結論を相手チームに伝えるという形でミーティングを進めることでした。そうすることで、自分たちの中での意見合わせの時間が省け、台湾チームとの意見交換や次回までの課題決めを無駄なくできると考えたからです。しかし、予定通りにことが進むことは決してなく、ミーティング中の沈黙や話し合いの一旦停止などもありました。けれどもなんとか、大まかな構成や結論を出発前までに決めることができました。メンバー全員の予定をあわせるのは容易ではなく、日本チームも台湾チームもいつも誰か抜けている状態でした。なので、台湾で「初めまして。」というメンバーも何人かいました。


 プレゼンテーションは主に、日本チームが構成•内容を提示し、台湾チームがsupporting sentenceを提示してくれるといった感じでした。また、台湾チームにはパワーポイント作成が得意なメンバーがたくさんいて、内容がまとまってから練習に入るまではとてもスムーズでした。プレゼンの練習段階になってやっとみんなの肩の荷がおり、冗談まで言えるような仲になりました。





















ASEP and Taiwan for the First Time


     When my professor told us about ASEP at the class, I strongly felt that I want to join it. It is because I had wanted to practice my Chinese before my job hunting begins, and I thought that it would be a great opportunity for me to improve bargaining power and cooperativeness, which I had always wanted to develop.



     3 weeks before we flight to Taiwan, ASEP group showed us the topic for the presentation – “Cooperation and Competition.” With being announced that vague title, we posed for a while. First, we decided to make up the structure of the presentation. During the first 3 weeks, we held once-a-week Skype meetings with Taiwanese team members. Also, we used Facebook as our main device for exchanging the information and sometimes getting to know each other. What we were keeping in our mind was only telling them our final decision of what we had been discussed in that week, and looking for the matching part between the Japanese’s opinion and Taiwanese’s. By doing so, we thought that we would be able to save time and carry on the meeting smoothly without wasting time. However, things were not always what we had expected. Sometimes, there were silence and difficulties of keeping on at the meeting. Additionally, it was difficult for us to find the time when every member is ok. So, I met some of the members for first time in Taiwan.

     Preparation in Taiwan was not always doing well as well. We got stuck at the same point several times, and sometimes each group started to discuss separately in each own language. The later it got, I felt the worse my English got. It was maybe because of tiredness. It was very frustrating that I couldn’t explain clearly about what I really thought. Even though some everyone was tired from discussion and using our brain, Taiwanese members were always very nice to us. Because most of the team members were girls, we were heated up with girls’ chatting; sometimes about cosmetics, and sometimes about guys. It was funny to realize that all the girls in the world have similar interests.

     Preparation process was like this: Japanese members offer the ideas of the structure, and Taiwanese members came up with the ideas of supporting elements. Fortunately, there were many Taiwanese girls who are good at making power point slides. So, the time after we finished with discussion and to the end past very smoothly. At the time we were practicing presentation, we finally could get rid of our nerves, and we stared to feel we were very close.

     At the day of presentation, we had already become good friends enough to start boys hunting together. Because of our great efforts, we could get the best award – Platinum Award, at the competition. We were more than happy and praised ourselves. I thought that after the difficult experience, there should be something very happy is true.

     To think of all the steps we took for ASEP, I always wish we had more time for preparation. Because of the limited time, we could only do the minimum of what we had to do. In other words, we did not have enough time to think about how to attract audience. So, the next year when I join ASEP again, I would like to start the preparation as early as possible, and make an amazing presentation. Also, I would like to build more vocabulary skills so that I can express my feeling clearer at advanced discussion.


Home stay and free time

     Since I had experienced homestay twice in Australia, I didn’t have any hesitation to stay in strangers’ house.  However, it was my first time to visit a Taiwanese family, so I was anxious and also excited about it.

     There were two people in my host family: a father and a daughter. (They also had a son living alone in Taizhong.) I was surprised when my host sister picked us up at Bullet Train station. Because she drove a car very well even though she is two years younger than me. She seemed to be very dependable. 

     All my host families could speak neither Japanese nor English. So, we were mainly speaking in Chinese in the house. But the other student from Japan could not understand Chinese at all, so I had to translate everything they said to him. I thought it was a great practice for me.

     What I found interesting during the stay in Taiwan is that the amount of Japanese products, including electronics and daily necessities, they have in the house. Moreover, the labels of those products were not always translated and written in Taiwanese, but in Japanese. The mixture phenomenon of Japanese and Taiwanese could be also seen at the streets and at the TV advertisement. I was wondering if some people in Taiwan think that using Japanese character gives consumer a good image and makes the business better.

     People in Taiwan were very kind and friendly. All of them welcomed us with a great hospitality. For example, at the free time, our buddies treated us a lot of special products of Taiwan such as Bubble Tea. Also, host families took us to eat very delicious local Taiwanese food to make our most of the time in Taiwan. The last night of our short stay, our buddies took us to the famous night market, and made us experience the local nightlife.  I felt like Taiwan was just like the great time of old Japan, when people enjoyed negotiating at stores. I fully enjoyed small shopping and local life very much there.



     This time we visited a university called Yi Shou University. The size of the university was overly beyond my expectation. Other than many tall buildings for the place to study, they also have luxury shopping mall with a skate rink and gorgeous hotels. As it gets dark, the school gets more like some little European cities with Christmas illuminations.

     They seemed to have a department of Japanese culture and a department of Chinese history. So, in the classroom building, there was a room imitated Japanese seasonal garden and old Chinese emperor house. Besides, they had a room designed like hotel guest room and a room with airplane seats. Also, I heard that there is a casino in the school as well. The students seemed to have many opportunities to work inside the university, and I thought that is very good for them to learn economic business practically.

     One time, we had an opportunity to show up in Professor Daniel’s writing class. We introduced ourselves briefly to the class. They seemed to have a good exchange program for the students because I saw many foreign students. That was my first time to see some European students speaking in Chinese. Even though Taiwan and Japan are in the same part of the world, the students’ style was quite different from each other. I felt that Taiwanese university students were more like western students. I liked it because I could see more passion in their eyes.


Thank you for everyone I met

     Although I was in Taiwan only for 4 days, I could fully felt their kindness. I appreciate all the people I met in this short trip, including ASEP member, professor Daniel, host families and buddies. They all have a beautiful warm heart. They were very nice to all of us from the first time we met. I have never felt like I am from outside. I might like Taiwan more than Japan because I felt people they were closer to each other. I will be very happy to join the program again next year, and see all of them again. Thanks to all the people I met, I could make the most of the time in Taiwan. Thank you very much.



関西大学 中井麻衣



他国の学生と英語でプレゼンテーションを行うことに興味を持ったので、今回ASEPに参加しました。”Cooperation and competition”というトピックを聞いた時私たちの中で様々な考えが出ましたが、どのチームも同じような考えを発表するだろうな、と考えました。そこで私たちのチームでは、cooperationcompetition”spread”という新たな考えを加え差別化を図りました。しかし、それをうまく伝える発表を作り上げるのは難しく、結論を導き出すまでに多くの時間を費やしました。うまく意見がまとまらずモチベーションが下がった時もありましたが、納得のいく発表が出来上がり最後の練習が終わった時は全員笑顔でした。当日は途中トラブルがあったのですが、本番が終わった後は全員が達成感に満ち溢れていたと思います。プラチナ賞を獲得できた時にこのメンバーで頑張ってきて本当に良かったと思いました。ASEPでの経験を通して、グループで一つのものを作り上げることができた時の喜びを感じることができたと思っています。


























ASEP report

Kansai University Mai NAKAI



I took part in ASEP as I was interested in presenting in English with students from other countries. We discuss various ideas of “cooperation and competition”, and we thought that most teams had similar ideas. Therefore, we tried to make differences from these ideas by adding “spread” to “cooperation and competition”. However, it was quite difficult to make a presentation which can tell our idea clearly, and it took so much time to find a good conclusion. Although we sometimes lost our motivation due to the difficulties in summarising our opinions, when we finished our last rehearsal and were satisfied with our presentation, this made all of us smile. On the performance day, in spite of an accident during our presentation, we all had a sense of accomplishment after giving our presentation. When we won a platinum award, which was the best award of ASEP, I am proud of my team’s effort. Thus, through the experience of ASEP, I learned how happy I am when I achieved something with my friends.

I also realised the difficulty of exchanging the ideas in foreign languages. While we were preparing for our presentation, I was sometimes not sure whether I-Shou students could understand me. Likewise, I could not occasionally understand what they wanted to tell. In such cases, I tried to use a simple expression with written words or gesture in order to make them understood. However, considering that comprehension of the meanings could possibly be different in countries, communication in second languages seems to be complicated. I believe that ASEP gave me a chance to explain about my opinion in easy words.

What I learned from ASEP will definitely make my university life more valuable, moreover this experience will also be beneficial to me when I start to work in the near future. Therefore, I will keep it in my mind, and try to do the best when I work on this kind of things in my daily life.


Discussion on Skype

We had a discussion mainly on Skype, and posted contents of the meeting on facebook so that those who could not attend the meeting could understand what we discussed. On the Skype meeting, both Kansai university students and I-Shou university students told team’s ideas, and those who found something unclear asked about it, then we all discussed it together. We had this meeting three times in total, which were mostly led by us. I was afraid that I-Shou students could not mention their opinions. Other problems were that we often made them wait because of our discussion in Japanese, and we were waiting for them for the same reason. I think we should have had a chairperson so that all of us could have enough time to sum up our ideas. Overall, discussion on Skype was quite helpful to us in order to start preparing for presentation in Taiwan.


Preparation for presentation

After we arrived at I-Shou University, we started working on each section in details. On the first day, we introduced ourselves and reviewed a brief structure of our presentation as it was the first time for us to see our faces. At first, we discussed the outline of our presentation and conclusion. After that, we were separated into three groups of three to four people: introduction and conclusion, the half of the body part, and the rest of the body part. We made a script and slides for Power Point respectively. Much time was spent on each section because there were 11 students in our team. After all of us finished making them, we practiced with Power Point. As it was too long and we had many people, we occasionally lost our motivation to concentrate on practice. We should have managed time to keep our concentration.

Review of presentation

I learned that I should focus on what I want to tell audience. Those who have clear opinions can make a coherent presentation. Therefore, our presentation could have been better if we made our aim clearer and shared it.

Also, I suppose that our presentation was not enough unique to attract the audience. Our idea was not from the internet, and I am sure that it was original, but the way of conveying it was too simple. As we had many presenters, it was necessary for us to consider how to make the audience become interested in our ideas.


Home stay: Taiwanese culture and people

I found that Taiwanese people have a strong mind of hospitality throughout time with my host family. They were always kind to me even though my schedule was often changed due to the preparation for the ASEP. My host sister said to me, “No worries”, every time we had trouble. Also, as I told my host family that I wanted to eat “Shou-ron-pou”, which was one of the popular Taiwanese foods, they took me to the restaurant. Moreover, my host sister led me to night market, and after we enjoyed walking around there until midnight, my host mother came for us by car. I experienced Taiwanese hospitality thanks to my host family.

Also, I felt that Taiwanese people had a good relationship with their family and neighbours. Host mother’s sister came to see me and gave me a cake. Although I could not communicate with her so much because I cannot understand either Taiwanese or Chinese, she said to me, “Please study Chinese by next year so that we can talk more”, which made me feel comfortable. I was so happy to receive their warm welcome.


I-Shou University

I was surprised that I-Shou University had a large shopping mall and a theme park on campus. There are accommodations for students, and two students share a room. I-Shou University has Japanese faculty, which my host sister belongs to. In the building where I discussed with my team mates, there are Japanese culture room and Chinese culture room. Japanese culture room has Japanese style room which has a tatami. Also, there are some rooms for role playing related to our daily lives.

I visited English writing class for just a short time. We all introduced ourselves in front of the class mates, and took pictures with some of them. Unfortunately, I could not observe classroom, I was glad that everyone looked happy, and I had a good time, too.


Thank you very much

First of all, I would like to thank my host family for everything they have done to me. I had a great time in Taiwan thanks to their support, and I will definitely see them again next year. I would also like to say thank you to my team mates. Our cooperation led us to win the platinum award at ASEP, every single one of them made my stay in Taiwan brilliant. Besides, I would like to thank professors who helped us very much while we were preparing for our presentation, all staff at ASEP, and other teams. We did our best thanks to their help.

I will never forget my gratitude to them. Also, I decided to show my progress to those who I met in Taiwan next year. Thank you so much to everyone for giving me valuable experiences.




関西大学 名賀愛





















A great experience in ASEP


Kansai University  Megumi NAGA


First of all, I joined this program because I was interested in making something by cooperating with foreign students. I had expected to get a good experience by joining it.



To prepare for ASEP, we needed a lot of time to discuss about the topic. The theme of this program was ”Cooperation and Competition.” At first, we started preparation for ASEP by discussing it with Japanese team members. After discussed some times, we started discussing with our Taiwanese team members on Skype meeting. It was not easy to talk about the topic with foreign students in English and I could not say any opinions on the first meeting. I also felt the difficulty of reaching agreement on the topic with Taiwanese team members because both of Japanese and Taiwanese members discussed it among themselves before starting Skype meeting. So we had Skype meeting three times and it made our team to reach a conclusion by mutual consent before visiting Taiwan.

Our first meeting in Taiwan was to dig into the topic with all members and make a presentation. Through the discussion, we could decide some details and we divided us into three groups to start making script and slides. After finishing making the presentation, we started practicing the presentation.

The good thing I can say about our preparation is that we could make a good presentation because all members listened to others’ opinion well, thought deeply, and expressed their ideas. However unfortunately, sometimes we spoke own languages and continued using it to discuss when we found difficulty to express our thinking in English. Since ASEP is a program to collaborate with foreign students and it is good chance for us to practice using English, we should have made more effort to use English.

On my own reflection, I should have provided more ideas for our team. And I felt that I need much more effort to study and speak English.



We were the third presenter in the program and I was very nervous while watching others’ presentation. When our turn had come, I tried to enjoy presentation. Although we had little machine trouble, I think all of us did a great job. Thorough the program, I noticed something important for the presentation. As a presenter, we should have confidence when we speak. Then make the script clear to convey our ides to the audience and interesting to gather their attention. For that, we should use PPT effectively or need to think about the structure carefully. As a listener, we should listen to others with a manner. Although everyone may know it, not all of them are practicing.



While staying in Taiwan, I and one Japanese friend stayed with a Taiwanese family. Since all of the family members were very kind, hospitable and friendly, and it was first time for me to experience homestay, I was really amazed with their kindness. They always cared about us and treated us like a real family members. Moreover, they prepared nice room, delicious dishes for us, and took us to some places when we had time. Through this homestay, I felt Taiwanese’ hospitality and their love, and I also could know some Taiwanese culture. I think Taiwanese people really cherish other people and it is a very good custom. Thanks to them, I got some experiences which I cannot get from a commercial tourism and precious memories in Taiwan.



I visited I-shou University for preparation of ASEP. I-shou University is a large and beautiful university which has an enormous shopping mall and an amusement park on campus. The building and the facilities are beautiful and I felt very comfortable to stay there. I saw many students from different countries and got the impression that the university is very international. When I and my Japanese friends were invited Dr. Daniel’s class, the students in the class welcomed us warmly.


Lastly, I would like to thank you all of people who I met thorough this program. Thank you so much for the professors giving us such a wonderful opportunity and for support, lovely host family giving us a great love, Taiwanese team members for collaborating us and for making nice memories together, other friends for sharing precious time, and Japanese team members for making an effort together for the program and for everything. I learned many things not only from the activities but from my friends. Observing their attitude toward presentation, their opinions or their strong points made me to think about myself and helped me to find some weak points.

Figure  With my lovely host family

Again, thanks to people around me, I really enjoyed this program and could get unforgettable experiences Thank you so much.