我愛台湾 English

南山国際高等学校 S.N




テーマが『Better World』だと聞き、わたし達は何についてやるのかを決めることにしました。しかし、連絡をとる方法はメールかFacebookしかなく、学校の宿題やテストなどで忙しかったわたし達は中々連絡をとることが出来ず、何についてやるかを決めることができませんでした。何についてやるかが決まった後も、直接顔を見て話すことができなく相手の気持ちが分かりづらかったためか、意見があわず衝突しそうになったりと不安を覚えることがありました。しかし、プレゼンテーションをすすめていくにつれ、SKYPEを使いビデオチャットなどをするようになり、理解が深まっていくようになり、プレゼンテーションも進むようになってきました。たとえ理解が深まったからといっても、まだ会ったことがなく初めて会う時は不安でたまりませんでした。しかし、Grace Bryan Jenny Yurie Eveもみんなとてもフレンドリーですごく良い子たちで、プレゼンテーションを楽しく始めることができました。しかし、プレゼンテーションは楽しいという気持ちだけじゃもちろん進まず、短い時間でどれだけ良いものが作れるかをパブロ先生や西先生の手伝いをもらいながら考えていきました。プレゼンテーションの前日は、セリフの練習をしました。どんなに家で練習してきて覚えてると思っていても実際にやってみるとかんじゃったり、思い出せなかったりとスムーズにすることができませんでした。しかし、わたし達は「大丈夫だよ」や「もう一回」などと声をかけあうことができるまで仲良くなっていたので、追い込まれずに練習をすることができました。プレゼンテーション当日、中川さんが体調を崩してしまい、参加することができませんでした。しかし、中川さんのパートかわりにやったりと協力をして行い成功することができました。参加は出来なかったけど、中川さんとわたし達の心は繋がっていたと思います。本番では間違えてしまったりしたけど、ASEPメンバーのおかげで楽しくやることができました。結果はゴールド賞でしたが、わたしはプラチナ賞だと思っています。


 今回、人生で初めてのホームステイを経験しました。大好きな台湾で初めてのホームステイを目前にした私は期待と不安で胸がいっぱいでした。しかし、イブとホストファミリーは初めてあったのに、本当に優しく本当の家族のように接してくれました。1日目の夜は日本にいたころから行きたいと言っていた夜市につれていってもらいました。そこで、 珍珠奶茶日本でいうタピオカミルクティーを飲ませてもらいました。日本に比べてお手ごろな値段かつその大きさにすごく驚きました。しかし、その驚きはそれだけではとどまらず、夜市で見たもの全てにおどろかされました。ついつい「安い!」とい言葉を連発してしまいました。その夜はイブとおそろいの服を買ってもらいました。1日目から本当に充実した日を過ごすことができました。しかし、実は不安に思っていたのか、次の日、南山国際のメンバーにあったら安心して、涙がでそうにまでなりました。その夜は、日本人でのお食事会があったのですが、英語と中国語に耳が慣れてしまったためか、みんなが方言で話していたためか、日本語が日本語に聞こえず、始めのうちは困っていましたが、みんなとても良い人ですぐにうちとけることができ、楽しい時間をすごすことができました。お食事会の後はホストファミリーが迎えにきてくれていて、車を開けたら中に大きな袋がはいっていて、開けると中にはイブとおそろいのかばんが入っていました。すると運転をしながらお母さんが『クリスマスプレゼントだよ』と言ってくれました。本当に、本当に嬉しかったです。まっすぐお家に帰るのだろうと思っていると、夜市にあるおいしいご飯屋さんにつれていってくれました。イブに何が食べたいのか聞かれたのですが何なのかよくわからず、おまかせすることにしました。すると日本でいうぜんざいのようなものが出てきました。ぜんざいなどが好きな私には嬉しくてたまりませんでした。3日目の放課後はASEPメンバーとホストファミリーと合同で若い子に人気だという夜市に行きました。本当に若い子が多く、売っている服なども日本とあまりかわりがなく、値段が安いという好条件で、楽しむことができました。Bryanは男の子なのに、文句一つ言わずわたし達の買い物についてきてくれました。ホストファミリーとASEPメンバー合同のプリも撮り本当に幸せな時間を過ごせました。しかし、唯一、見た目は黒く、はんぺんのような食べ物に衝撃をうけました。何なのか聞いても答えてもらえず、とりあえず食べてみることにしました。味は普通においしかったのですが、なにかを聞くと動物の血がねりこんである食べ物でした。しっかりと説明してくれたのですが『血』というのに衝撃をうけ全く聞けませんでした。その後も、どう食べると進めてくれたのですが、食べることができませんでした。食文化の違いの恐ろしさを痛感した日でした。4日目は朝から夜まで完璧なフリータイムの1日でホストファミリーと過ごす日でした。私は朝から湖にでかけました。そこには中国に住んでいた私にはとても懐かしい、みんなが体操をしている風景が広がっていました。私たちは体操をしたわけではなく、イブの両親の友達とお食事をしました。みんなとても良い人ですごく楽しいお食事でした。お昼は中華につれていってもらったのですが、あまりのおいしさに食べ過ぎてしまいました。午後からは山口さんと山口さんのホストファミリーのトゥギャザーと合流し夜市に連れて行ってもらいました。本当に充実した日を過ごせました。5日目の夜はホストファミリーとASEPメンバーと一緒にドリームモールに行きました。本当に広くて、日本のモールのようでした。イブの知り合いが働いていて、お会いしたのですが、お菓子をプレゼントしてくださいました。6日目のフェアウェルパーティーの後、おうちに帰るとお母さんからお土産をいっぱいと、お姉ちゃんたちからもプレゼントをいただきました。たった6日間なのに、本当によくしてもらったし、このお家にホームステイできてよかったと思いました。7日目は、帰国する日だったので12時までホストファミリーと過ごしました。ホットポットを食べに連れて行ってもらいました。初めてのホームステイは思っていたよりも快適に過ごせ、本当に充実した毎日を送ることができました。これはきっと、ホストファミリーの人柄がとてもよかったからだと思います。














I love Taiwan

S.NNanzan Kokusai High School


           The reason why I joined ASEP is that I heard if I join ASEP I can go to Taiwan. I liked Taiwanese Drama and Taiwanese artists. It is really selfish reason.



           After we heard that our tame of presentation is “Better World” we started to discus, what we are going to do, with Taiwanese students. The way to take contact was Mail and Face book. But we were busy doing H.W and tests so it was difficult to make time and we couldn’t get started for long time. After we had decided the tame, we couldn’t discuss with face to face which was difficult to understand each other’s feeling and make our opinion clashed. During the project, we started to use the SKYPE and become to know each other well that made project goes well. But even we become to know each other, we haven’t met yet, so I was really nervous on first day. Though, Grace, Bryan, Jenny, Yurie and Eve, everyone was really friendly and really nice and presentation was able to start happily. Of course the presentation will not go well only with happy feeling. We had to decide how to make good presentation in short time having help from Mr.Pablo and Mr.Nishi. The day before Presentation, we practiced the performance. Even we thought we had memorized it, we couldn’t do it smoothly. But now we are really good friends so that if some body made mis takes we were able to say “Its ok” or “one more time” that helped us not to feel sad. On presentation day Yurika was sick and couldn’t come. So everyone helped to take her part. Even she was not in the place I believe that she was with us. On a performance, I made mistakes. But I had ASEP members with me, so I had really fun time. We had gold prize but I think we were the best and we were the platinum prize. ASEP Members Forever !!

Home stay and free time

           This was my first time to home stay in my life. The first home stay in the country I love. I was really excited and also was really nervous. But my host family was really nice and acted me like if I’m their family. On the first night, they took me to night market where I wanted go. And gave me “珍珠奶茶” the pearl milk tea. Compare to Japan it is really cheep and really big and made me surprise. I couldn’t stop surprising afterword. Everything I saw in night market was new and was cheep. I kept saying “So cheep! So cheep!” and that day they bought me the same clothe with Eve. I lived a full day from first day. But maybe I was still nervous, when I met Japanese members next day I felt secure and was almost cry. That night I had dinner with Japanese peoples. Maybe I had listened to lot of English and Chinese, I couldn’t understand the Japanese first few minutes. But everyone was really nice and I was able to talk and have fun time. After the dinner my host family comes to pick me up, when I opened the car I saw a big bag. And inside it was same bag with Eve. They gave me bag as a Christmas present. I was really happy to have that bag and its my treasure now. I thought we will go back home right away but we went to night market. Eve asked me what I wanted to eat but didn’t know what I can eat so I asked eve to pick. Then some food like Zenzai comes. I love kind of food like Zenzai so I was really happy. On 3rd day after school, I went to the night market, popular from teenagers, with host families and ASEP members. There was lot of teenagers and things being sold are similar to Japan and it was cheep, so it was really nice place to have shopping and I had really fun time. We were shopping for really long time but Bryan didn’t say a word even he is boy. We took purikura and had really happy time except for one food. They gave me some food, which is black and looks like a cake of pounced fish. I asked them what is that but they didn’t answer so I ate it. It was yummy. Then they told me that it is some food that had some animal’s blood in. They told me the animal’s name but I was too shocked that couldn’t hear anything. After telling me the answer I couldn’t eat that. I learned the scare of different food culture. 4th day it was free time for all day. And was the day to spend time with my host family. We went to the lake. At there everyone was having exercise that reminds me of China. But we didn’t exercise. We went there for having breakfast with host family’s friend. Everyone was really nice and it was really fun breakfast time. We ate Chinese food for lunch, it was really delicious that I ate too much. From afternoon we joined to Ai and her host family Together. They brought as to night market. And I had a full day. 5th day I went to Dream mall with host families and ASEP members. It was really big and like Japanese mall. Eve’s friend was walking there and I met her, she bought some sweet for us as a present. On 6th day after farewell party and went home, mother gave me a lot of present and sisters gave me present too. It was only 6 days that I was there but they were really nice to me and I felt happy that I was able to home stay in that house. 7th day was last day and so until 12 o’clock I stayed with my host family. They brought me to have hotpot. Home stay for the first time was really fun and had happy days and was really fulfilling days. Think it is because the host family’s personality was really good.



           The school we went was called “樹徳家商”. The school was nice, really big and had lot of facilities. Eve and other ASEP member’s class were major in English. But the school had lot of kind of classes for example major in hairstyle, model and restaurant. I heard that they will find out what they want to be in future when they are S2 and I thought the school that helps students to find dreams and help them to become is really great and wonderful. In the school lot of students come to talk with us. Even they are not good at English. Also major in Japanese student comes to talk with us in Japanese. It made us really happy. The time we spent in the school was really short, but everyone was really nice. We took lot of photos, change addresses and some of them gave us presents or cards. I had really fun time in School.

Thank you for everyone I met

           In the ASEP I met lot of people. ASEP members, host families, friend in樹徳家商, friend in other school and person I met in night market. I met lot of people and everyone was really really nice to me. Even it was first time to met, everyone was friendly and I had really fun time in Taiwan. I really want to go back to Taiwan now and that is because of everyone’s kindness. If they had no kindness I think I didn’t feel to go back to Taiwan this much.

And I was able to know how important the members from Nanzan Kokusai Highschool are. Because I had them I was able to feel secure and was more fun.

At last I would like to say thank you to teachers and everyone who planed the ASEP and who supported ASEP. If there was no ASEP I think I was not able to meet everyone. Every experience was because of teachers and everyone.

           Joining the ASEP, I was able to know that I’m supported by lot of people. I would like to thank every one from bottom of my heart. Thank you very much !!!!