ASEP感想文 English









ASEP report



 I would like to express my gratitude everything about ASEP. First I want to thank everyone involved in this project, teachers in our school and KSHS, KSHS students, and my teammates. Thank you for cheering to me.

   This is the first time for me joining ASEP, as well as homestay program, and visiting Taiwan. I felt a little nervous before going to Taiwan. However, ASEP turned out to be a really productive program for me. I am sure it will give huge influence on my life from now on. It was indeed a tremendous learning experience for me.

   Through homestay program, the wonderful hospitality of Taiwanese people touched my heart deeply. They tried to use easy English expressions and some Chinese letters to help me, a foreign girl whose English was nothing but poor. They always tried to communicate with me. I was so happy to be there, making friends with such nice people.

   In the city tour, we could to see some old buildings and displays which have a long history. Through this tour I could understand Taiwan than before, and then I thought I really need to know more about this beautiful island. But all the explanations were in Taiwanese or Chinese, so Garry,  my friend, and KSHS students translated them for me into English. He tried to tell me so hard, but I could only understand half of what he said. It was indeed very frustrating. However, I guess my English skills became much better. It doesn’t mean I learned a lot of difficult words. What I mean is that I managed to start trying to communicate with others even when my English is not so good. I couldn’t dare to speak in English at TV conference in Japan, because I lacked confidence in my English skills. But after I arrived in Taiwan, I changed my attitude. At first I couldn’t understand what they said, so I had to ask them to repeat. But after I got on a friendly term with them, I felt the feeling that I want to communicate actively is more important thing than the feeling that I have to speak with proper English. Then I talked in English actively, and I could understand more deeply about our presentation and people working on it with us. However I also felt that if I can speak with proper English, I could get more friendly with foreigner. So I want to study, and I want to discussion about cabbages and kings with people in the world.

   The day of our presentation, I saw a lot of people in the venue. I was surprised that the event is bigger than my imagination. A of ASEP means Asians, so not only Japan and Taiwan but also Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia joined ASEP. It was wonderful thing that joining many country students and trying same one thing.

   When I practiced our presentation with KSHS students, I always thought their skills are so high. I think skills of foreign students are higher than skills of Japanese students. I thought I have to compare foreigner with oneself. I thought skills of Ritsumeikan students are low. If we want to join ASEP in the future, we should to change our attitude, and we have to be more serious right now. I mean skills are English and presentation skills. Thank you for everything.